Responsive Self-Service Receiving Application

You can access the Responsive Self-Service Receiving application on a mobile device, tablet, laptop, or desktop web browser.

Robust search capabilities let you search across multiple document types including purchase order, transfer order and advance shipment notice (ASN). You can use the predefined search filters to quickly identify your orders to receive. Based on your organizations receiving process, you can receive your items immediately with a single tap on your mobile device, or you can choose to add information such as attachments. After performing a receipt, you can easily search for your receipt and perform actions such as updating the receipt quantity or returning items to a supplier.

The application facilitates quick receipts of goods and services while on the move, enabling you to complete tasks efficiently on your mobile device anytime and anywhere. The screen appearance dynamically changes based on the screen size and orientation of the device being used to view it. The application's responsive design makes the self-service receiving process easy, quick, and flexible.

The Self-Service Receiving Responsive Application has these benefits:

  • Quickly search for your orders to receive by using enhanced search capabilities such as smart filters, fuzzy matching, and search relevance ranking.
  • Flexibility to receive multiple document types including purchase order, transfer order, and advance shipment notice.
  • Receive items immediately using Receive Now or enter receipt details using Receive with Details.
  • Resolve receipt exceptions immediately with the ability to update received quantities and return received items to suppliers.
Note: Currently, only orders with an expense destination type can be received. Also, you can only receive orders where you are the requester.