Supplier Returns Without Receipts

You can return goods to a supplier without referencing the original receipt. This is useful when returning goods with a receipt reference isn't practical.

Returning goods to the supplier without a receipt reference lets you efficiently return a large number of goods that could have been ordered and received at various times. You can also save money by returning components that arrived damaged from a designated location. And, you can reduce the amount of time required to return goods by eliminating the need to match returns with receipts.

When using supplier returns without a receipt reference, you can:

  • Manage supplier returns without receipts

  • View supplier returns without receipts in shipping

  • Review supplier return transactions as completed inventory transactions

Manage Supplier Returns Without Receipts

Use the Manage Supplier Returns Without Receipt task to manage supplier returns without a receipt reference.

  • Search, create, and edit supplier returns without a receipt.

    You can create supplier returns for scrap or shipment transactions depending on the Physical Material Return Required check box. You can return the shipment to the supplier when your supplier requires a physical return of the goods. Enter a value for the Requested Date for these shipping-related transaction lines. These return lines are processed through Shipping. You can also scrap the material when your supplier requests that you dispose of the goods. These scrap returns perform the scrap transaction in Inventory and don't process through Shipping.

    When creating a supplier return without a receipt, you must enter a supplier and supplier site combination for the return at the header level. All return lines will have the same supplier and supplier site combination.

    You can edit supplier returns that are saved as incomplete and not yet submitted for processing. Once submitted, you can't edit supplier returns.

  • Submit the supplier returns for scrap and shipment together.

    When you create or edit your supplier returns without receipt, submit the saved supplier returns for scrap and shipment lines together. If you encounter an error while submitting, you can review the error on the supplier return lines, fix the issue, and resubmit the supplier return for processing.

  • View supplier returns without receipt after they're submitted.

    View the supplier returns that have been submitted for processing. Review the status of the individual lines.

  • Delete supplier returns lines that are in Incomplete status.

  • Cancel supplier return lines that are in Pending fulfillment status.

View Supplier Returns Without Receipts in Shipping

For supplier return lines with the Physical Material Return Required option selected, you must physically ship the material back to the supplier through the Shipping processes. Use the Manage Shipment Lines task in Shipping to view shipment lines for supplier returns without receipts that require the return of physical goods. Search for and view supplier returns without receipts by selecting Unreferenced Supplier Return as the order type in the search criteria.

Use the tasks in Shipping to:

  • Pack

  • Assign to shipments

  • Screen for compliance

  • Manifest with carrier

  • Confirm shipments

  • Print shipping documents

The supplier return line status is updated to Fulfilled upon ship confirm.

Note: You can't group lines from different supplier returns into a single shipment because the supplier return number is a required shipment grouping criteria.

Review Supplier Return Transactions as Completed Inventory Transactions

Use the Review Completed Transactions task in Inventory to search for and review supplier return transactions as completed inventory transactions.

  • Review supplier return without receipt transactions.

    You can select a source type of Supplier Return Without Receipt Reference and a transaction type of either Supplier Return Scrap Without Receipt Reference or Supplier Return Shipment Without Receipt Reference to search for the completed transactions for supplier returns without receipt.

  • Search for supplier returns using the supplier return number.

    You can enter the supplier return number in the Source Reference field to search for supplier return without receipt transactions on the Review Completed Transactions page.

Note: When returning material to suppliers without a receipt, the following apply:
  • You can return material to suppliers without a receipt only from subinventory that's not reservable.

  • Only stockable and transactable items are eligible for supplier returns without a receipt.

  • You should manually create a debit memo for supplier returns without a receipt.

  • Intercompany transactions and consigned inventory transactions aren't supported for supplier returns without a receipt.

  • You can't pick release or pick confirm an supplier return order type that's not referenced.

  • You can use the Supplier Returns REST service to search, create, edit, cancel, delete, or submit the supplier return transactions.

  • Supplier return transactions are costed at the current item cost.