Why aren't I receiving Confirm Receipt notifications for my purchase order?

The Confirm Receipts workflow sends notifications when the following criteria is fulfilled on the purchase order:

  • The destination type on the purchase order is Expense.

  • The receipt routing is Direct Delivery.

  • The match approval level is 3 Way.

  • The purchase order must have a deliver-to person on the distribution.

  • The purchase order past due date should be more than one day.

  • If the RCV_SSP_NOTIF_INCLUDE_PAST_DUE_ORDERS profile value is Y, then it includes all purchase orders that are past due. If the RCV_SSP_NOTIF_INCLUDE_PAST_DUE_ORDERS profile value is N, then the notification is raised only if:

    • There's an invoice corresponding to the purchase order schedule.

    • The invoice is placed on hold and the hold code is QTY REC or AMT REC.

The Confirm Receipts scheduled process generates notifications for all self-service purchase orders that are past their promised date (or need-by date if the promised date isn't provided). You can schedule the Confirm Receipts process for a Daily run to create timely notifications.