CTO Options

Use the Configure to Order Options in Plan Options to view configure to order products and their options. You must select the Include dependent demand check box in the Advanced Options dialog box, which you access from the Plan Options page, Demand tab.

The configure to order process uses attach rates to explode independent demand down to the different levels of the bill of material (BOM).

The following are the two attach rates:

  • Historical Attach Rate: This rate is calculated based on the ratio of historical independent demand and the dependent demand.

  • Existing Attach Rate: This rate is calculated based on user-entered information in Oracle Fusion Cloud Product Lifecycle Management.

When you select the Include dependent demand option, the following additional parameters that control the planning percent history calculation get enabled:

  • Planning Percentage History Periods

  • Planning Percentage Calculation Measure

  • Planning Percentage Calculation Level

Planning Percentage History Periods

The Planning Percentage History Periods control the length of history that is used when calculating historical attach rates.

Planning Percentage Calculation Measure

The Planning Percentage History Calculation measure controls the measure that is used to calculate the planning percentage history.

The following are the two options:

  • Options Shipments History

  • Options Bookings History

Select the option that is relevant to the history measure. For example, Options Shipments History is used with Shipments History.

Planning Percentage Calculation Level

The Planning Percentage Calculation level controls the aggregation level of data used when calculating the historical attach rates.

Review the following choices and select the one that matches your business requirements:

  • Item: This option aggregates the historical demand by item and calculates the planning percentage at the item level. Selecting the option results in an item having the same planning percentage for all organizations and demand classes.

  • Item and organization: This option aggregates the historical demand by the combination of item and organization. The option calculates the planning percentage at the combined item and organization level. Selecting the option results in each unique combination of an item and organization having a different planning percentage.

  • Item, Organization, and Demand Class: This option aggregates the historical demand by the combination of item, organization, and demand class. The option calculates the planning percentage at the combined item, organization, and demand class level. Selecting the option results in each unique combination of an item, organization, and demand class having a different planning percentage.