How Planning Processes Collect Different Work Definitions and Item Structures

You might be concerned that the work definition and item structure data in your supply chain planning work area don't match with what was defined in Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing.

You don't need to worry. The planning application collects and uses data based on how the work definitions and item structures are defined and associated in the manufacturing source system.

Work Definitions and Item Structures in the Source System

The work definition is a primary source of data for the planning application. The planning process uses the work definition of make order items to determine component and resource requirements. In case the work definition isn't defined, the planning process uses the defined item structure, but to plan for components only. If a work definition is defined and no item structure is associated with it, then you can manually add ad hoc components to it. If an item structure is associated with it, you can still add ad hoc components to the work definition, alongside the components in the item structure. Remember that while a work definition can be associated with only one item structure, one item structure can be associated with several work definitions within the parent item.

Work Definitions and Item Structures in the Planning Data Repository

In the manufacturing source system, the work definitions and item structures for an item can be defined and associated in different ways. The following table lists the most common source system combinations and how the collections and run plan processes proceed accordingly:

Oracle Manufacturing Definition

Item Structure Name and Work Definition Name in the Planning Data Repository

Planning Collections Processes

Only the item structure is defined for an item. No work definition is defined.

Item structure name exists, no work definition name

The planning process collects the item structure information but doesn't collect information for routing, operations, or item resources.

The planning process uses the item structure to plan components and doesn't plan resources.

Only the work definition is defined for an item. No item structure is defined.

Work definition name exists, no item structure name

The planning process collects the work definition information to populate the item structure and routing information.

The planning process populates the component information and operation sequence number in the item structure based on the ad hoc components and operation assignment available in the work definition.

The planning process uses the work definition information to plan both components and resources.

Both the item structure and work definition are defined for the item.

Both work definition name and item structure name exist

The planning process uses the components that are associated with the work definition to plan. The planning process doesn't consider any components of the item structure that aren't associated with the work definition. You can override the item structure component usage within the work definition.

The planning process collects component attributes (such as component effectivity) from the item structure if the components are associated with the work definition.

The planning process uses the work definition to plan resources.

Both the item structure and work definition are defined for the item, but the work definition doesn't refer to the item structure. Ad hoc components are assigned to the work definition operations.

Work definition name exists, no item structure name

The planning process collects the components from the work definition and not from the item structure in Oracle Fusion Cloud Product Lifecycle Management.

The process plans components based on work definition operation assignments and plans resources based on the work definition.