Build Configured Item Exploded Structure

Use the Build Configured Item Exploded Structure scheduled process to build the complete structure of a configured item.

When to Use

This scheduled process adds a record for each element in the component structure of a configured item.
  • Use it to reduce the amount of data that Supply Chain Orchestration must process when you query the database for a configured item.
  • You can also use it to create records before you use the Configured Item SOAP service. This helps to improve performance and avoid any errors that might happen because the server times out while processing too much data.

This process loads the staging table that REST API creates when you use the Configured Item REST API. If you use the Configured Item REST API, then you must run this scheduled process before you use the Configured Item REST API.

For details, such as what explosion means and other important information, see Control Explosion Dates for Configuration Models.

Privileges Required

  • View Configured Item Structures (CTO_VIEW_CONFIGURED_ITEM_STRUCTURES_PRIV)


Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type As needed.
Frequency As needed.
Time of Day Anytime.

Varies, depending on the size of your configuration model.

Compatibility You can run more than one instance of this process at the same time. However, to avoid conflicts, we recommend that you run only one instance at a time.


All parameters are required.

No special combinations are required.



Base Model Item Select a configuration model. The scheduled process will create a separate structure for each possible configured item that a user might select at runtime.
Configured Item Select a configured item. The scheduled process will create one structure for the configured item that you select.
Configured Item Creation Interval Enter the number of days or the number of months.
For details about configuration models and configured items, including where the scheduled process gets the values that you can choose for the Base Model Item parameter and the Configured Item parameter, see Overview of Configure-to-Order.

For other important details, see Guidelines for Using Scheduled Processes in Order Management.

Troubleshooting Information

  • A configuration model that has a lot of options might result in a staging table that has so many rows that it impacts performance. If your model has a large number of options, and if you specify that model in the Base Model Item parameter, then we recommend you carefully monitor performance.
  • If you have a large number of records to process, then run this process in small batches. This will help to avoid performance problems. Use the Configured Item Creation Interval to specify the size of the batch.