Refresh Sales Order Line Consumption

Use the Refresh Sales Order Line Consumption scheduled process to synchronize the supply that Global Order Promising has already consumed for scheduled orders across your supply chain.

When to Use

Run this scheduled process when you collect data, and then want to make sure that Promising promises each sales order according to the most accurate supply and demand that's currently available.

Refresh Sales Order Line Consumption compares the supply that you just collected to the demand the Promising has already consumed, repromises each sales order according to the supply and demand that's currently available, and then makes any remaining supply that it doesn't need available for new sales orders.

Try it:

  • Collect data for your sales orders. Collecting data brings the most recent transactional data into the Planning repository. See Collect Data for Global Order Promising.

    And that's it. The Refresh Sales Order Line Consumption scheduled process automatically runs immediately after you do the Collect Planning Data task. You don't need to manually run Refresh Sales Order Line Consumption.

Privileges Required

  • Perform Order Promising Server Data Refresh (MSP_PERFORM_ORDER_PROMISING_SERVER_DATA_REFRESH_PRIV)


Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type


You don't need to manually run this scheduled process.

Frequency As needed.
Time of Day We recommend that you collect data after business hours. However, you can collect any time.
Duration Varies depending on how many transactions have accumulated since the last time you collected data.
Compatibility Run no more than one instance of this scheduled process at the same time.


If you must run Refresh Sales Order Line Consumption manually for some reason, then set these parameters.

Parameter Description

Source System

Collection Type

Select the same values that you selected when you collected data.

The values for Source System come from the Manage Planning Source Systems page.

For important details, see Guidelines for Using Scheduled Processes in Order Management.