Export Collaboration Order Forecasts

Use the Export Collaboration Order Forecasts scheduled process to extract collaboration order forecasts or commit data to comma-separated value (CSV) files.

When you set up this process in Oracle Enterprise Scheduler, you can specify a supply plan, collaboration plan, supplier, and/or an item to export and filter the export collection. In addition, you can select one or more of these measures to include in your export data:

  • Current Forecast: To export the current cycle collaboration forecast data.
  • Current Commit: To export the current cycle collaboration forecast commit data.
  • Previous Forecast: To export collaboration forecast data from the immediate previous collaboration cycle.
  • Previous Commit: To export collaboration forecast commit data from the last collaboration cycle.

When to Use

Run the Export Collaboration Order Forecasts scheduled process any time you want to extract collaboration order forecasts or commit data from Supply Collaboration.

Privileges Required

  • Export Collaboration Order Forecasts (VCS_COLLABORDERFORECAST_EXPORT_PRIV)


Review these specifications before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type Can be run at any time, if required.
Frequency As required by your business.
Time of Day Can be run at any time.
Duration Varies, depending on the number of forecast or commit records that are being exported.
Compatibility No compatibility issues with other scheduled processes.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Supply Plan Required The name of the supply plan from Supply Planning Select the name of the supply plan from Supply Planning NA
Collaboration Plan Required The name of the collaboration plan Select name of the collaboration plan in Supply Collaboration
Supplier Optional The name of the supplier to export Optionally, select a supplier name to limit the export results
Item Optional The name of the item to export Optionally, select an item to limit the export results
Current Forecast Optional The forecast for the current planning cycle Select to export the current cycle collaboration forecast data.
Current Commit Optional The commit for the current planning cycle Select to export the current cycle collaboration forecast commit data.
Previous Forecast Optional The forecast for the previous planning cycle Select to export collaboration forecast data from the last collaboration cycle
Previous Commit Optional The commit for the previous planning cycle

Select to export collaboration forecast commit data from the last collaboration cycle.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Export Collaboration Order Forecasts scheduled process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • You can download the resulting comma-separated values file from the Attachments context menu, located in the Scheduled Processes work area > Process Details > Log and Output.
  • This scheduled process does not support Cancel.