Export Supplier On-Hand Quantities

Use the Export Supplier On-Hand Quantities scheduled process to create and save a comma-separated values file with a supplier's on-hand quantities. You can filter the quantities based on supplier, supplier site, item, or the number of days since publish date.

When to Use

Use the Export Supplier On-Hand Quantities scheduled process when you want to extract supplier on-hand quantities from Supply Collaboration.

Privileges Required

  • Export Supplier On-Hand Quantities (VCS_SUPPLIER_ONHAND_EXPORT_PRIV)


Review these specifications before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type Can be run at any time, if required.
Frequency As required by your business.
Time of Day

Can be run at any time.

Duration Depends on the amount of on-hand data available for the supplier, site, item, and days you specify.
Compatibility There are no compatibility issues with other scheduled processes.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Supplier Required The name of the supplier whose on-hand data you want to export. Select a supplier name whose on-hand data you want to export. None
Supplier Site Optional The supplier site for the specified supplier parameter. Select a supplier site for the supplier whose on-hand data you want to export. The supplier site must correspond to the selected supplier.
Item Optional Item name Select the item name to which you want to export on-hand data. None
Number of Days Since Publish Date Optional The number of days since the last time the supply on-hand data was published. Enter the number of days since the last time the supply on-hand data was published for which you want to return on-hand data. Allows you to limit the results to be more relevant by date.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Export Supplier On-Hand Quantities scheduled process in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • You can download the resulting comma-separated values file from the Attachments context menu, located in the Scheduled Processes work area > Process Details > Log and Output.
  • This scheduled process does not support Cancel.