Generate Changed Receipt Advice

Use the Generate Changed Receipt Advice scheduled process to manage changes on purchase orders or RMAs to integrate with external systems or warehouse management systems (WMS).

For example, if there is a change to a purchase order line that was already interfaced to an external system, the process sends a changed receipt advice to communicate the associated change to the external system or WMS.

When to Use

Use the Generate Changed Receipt Advice process to communicate changes on purchase orders and RMAs when the original documents are already interfaced to the external system or WMS. This process notifies an external system about changes to an already interfaced receipt advice. It publishes an event with the criteria for the changed lines that are ready to be interfaced to an external system or WMS.

Privileges Required

  • Generate Changed Receiving Receipt Advice (RCV_GENERATE_CHANAGED_RECEIVING_RECEIPT_ADVICE)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Ad hoc job


Frequency As required, usually after there are changes made to the purchase order or RMA to be received by the external system or WMS.

It's suggested to schedule the process to run every 2 hours. This lets one process complete before the next one starts. If the changes to orders aren't frequent, then you can further increase the gap between the two runs to more than 2 hours.

Ensure it isn't run at the same time as the Generate Receipt Advice process.

Time of Day Any time after changes are made to the purchase order or RMA order line to be received.
Duration This process communicates changed receipt advices to external systems. Each request completes in approximately 2 minutes.
Compatibility This process must be run following the Generate Count Schedules process.

Both processes can be run sequentially using the Perform Full Cycle Count job set.

There should be only one instance of the process at any one time. It's recommended to run the Generate Receipt Advice process every hour and to run the Generate Changed Receipt Advice process with a gap of 15 minutes. Both processes shouldn't be run at the same time.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Organization Required Inventory organization where the source document changes are done. Organization None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area. If the process status is error, select the row and click the log and output attachment on the Process Details tab. Download the log and output file. Share the files with support to log a service request.
  • These attributes are compared to identify a change for a purchase order:
    • Header: Supplier, Carrier, Freight Terms, Note to Receiver, Comments
    • Line: Item Description, Item Revision, Item Category, Supplier Item Number, Line Number
    • Schedule: Ship to Location, Shipment Number, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Secondary Quantity, Secondary Unit of Measure, Note to Receiver, Promised Date, Need by Date, Days by Which Late or Early Receipt is Allowed, Receipt Exception, Allow Substitute Receipt, Enforce Ship to Location Code, Quantity Tolerance, Quantity Exception Code, Receiving Routing, Country of Origin
  • The attributes used to compare for a change on an RMA are Quantity and UOM.
  • Check the Integration Status column on the Receive Expected Shipments page to verify if it’s in Interfaced status. The Interfaced status confirms that the change to the purchase order was sent to the external system or WMS.
  • If the document didn't reach the external system or WMS due to an error, use the Resend option of the Generate Receipt Advice process instead of using the Generate Changed Receipt Advice process. The Generate Changed Receipt Advice process is only used to communicate the changes for the already interfaced order lines.
  • For more information, see the Receipt Advice and Receipt Confirmation Processes for External Systems Integration topic in the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.