Generate Data Insights for Planning

Use the Generate Data Insights for Planning scheduled process to run computations derived from defined parameters that provide statistical insights into the lead times for purchased items based on historical performance data.

The insights are generated using the shipment-history data for purchase-order receipts that are collected from Oracle Fusion source systems, or from external file-based data import (FBDI) source systems. The insights enable you to act upon recommendations to change lead times when there are significant deviations from your Supplier Lead Time planning assumptions.

When to Use

Use the Generate Data Insights for Planning scheduled process periodically to compute and review insights. These can include:

  • Analyzing your supplier performance for purchase items.
  • Identifying lead-time anomalies and deviations from your lead-time planning assumptions for a supplier in the approved supplier list.

Privileges Required

  • Manage Lead Time Insights (MSC_MANAGE_LEAD_TIME_INSIGHTS_PRIV)
  • Manage Scheduled Job Definition (FND_MANAGE_SCHEDULED_JOB_DEFINITION_PRIV)


Review these specifications before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Duration Typically, less than two minutes, when run independently. However, expected time of completion is dependent on performance of the sequence of jobs being executed in the queue prior to the job.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the job running at any time, and there’s no current functional need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value
Source System Required Define the data source from which the insights will be generated.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite source systems or from external FBDI source systems.

Source system name
Computation Mode Required

The process mode in which the computation will be run.

All records in the history data.


New records available since the last run.

Process all records


Process new records only

Troubleshooting Information

  • Check with your help desk to ensure the search index for insights is set up and configured correctly.
  • You can view the status of the generate data insights operation in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • The validation errors and warning messages that prevented the generate insights process from completing display in the error log.
  • You can view the scheduled process request log for detailed logs about the operation.
  • Interactive warning validations are not performed.
  • After you submit the scheduled process, you can perform any of these tasks in the Scheduled Processes work area:
    • Resubmit it
    • Put it on hold
    • Cancel the process
    • Release the process