Publish Order Forecast

Use the Publish Order Forecast scheduled process to publish item requirements to suppliers from a supply plan.

When to Use

Use this process when collaborating with suppliers to help you plan supply chain activities more efficiently.

You can publish supply orders (for example, purchase order, purchase requisition, shipment in receiving, or in-transit shipment) and planned orders to Oracle Supply Chain Collaboration using the Publish Order Forecast scheduled process.

The Publish Order Forecast scheduled process filters supply plan data by:

  • Supply plan, which is the selected plan. If the scheduled process is called from a plan context, the plan name is defaulted to the current plan and isn't editable.
  • Organization
  • Planner
  • Category
  • Item
  • Supplier
  • Supplier site

Privileges Required

  • Release Planning Recommendations (MSC_RELEASE_PLANNING_RECOMMENDATIONS_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type

Ad hoc job, or can be scheduled to run at regular interval.

You also can publish order forecast from these pages in the Supply Planning, Demand and Supply Planning, or Planning Central work areas:

  • Items
  • Supplies and Demands
  • Manage Plans or individual plan
Frequency Depends on the business requirement, but typically daily or after a supply plan run completes.
Time of Day It can be submitted any time based on your requirements, but typically after a supply plan run completes.

Duration depends on:

  • Number of open supply orders in the plan
  • Number of suppliers, organization, items, and so on
  • Types of supply orders you select while submitting the job
Compatibility No incompatibilities are defined for this scheduled process. You can initiate this process for different plans simultaneously.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Notes
Plan Required Plan from which the order forecast is published. Supply plan or Demand and Supply plan N/A
Organization Optional If selected, open supply orders will be published from this organization. Organization code
Planner Optional Supply and Demand planner. Planner code
Category Optional Category name. Category name
Item Optional Enterprise item for which order forecast is published. Item name
Supplier Optional Supplier to which the order forecast is published. Supplier name
Supplier Site Optional Supplier site for selected supplier. Supplier Site name
Include purchase orders in the order forecast Optional Includes purchase orders within the order forecast. All the open purchase orders for an item for a particular day are added to the planned orders on that day and published as order forecast at the supplier or supplier site level. Check box selected

Check box deselected

Include requisitions in the order forecast Optional Includes purchase requisitions within the order forecast. All the open purchase requisitions for an item for a particular day are added to the planned orders on that day and published as order forecast at the supplier or supplier site level. Check box selected

Check box deselected

Run the Supply Planning Collaboration Decomposition job Optional Runs the Supply Planning Collaboration Decomposition scheduled process, along with the Publish Order Forecast scheduled process. Check box selected

Check box deselected

Publish order details Optional Publishes all four types of supply orders along with the planned orders. Check box selected

Check box deselected

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the Publish Order Forecast process on the Scheduled Process UI.
  • Refer to the log file attached to the Publish Order Forecast process to view details such as the value of different input parameters, warnings, and error messages.
  • When you select Publish Order Forecast from the Actions menu in a supply plan, the planning process submits a job in Scheduled Processes. The planning process deselects all additional parameters that are available in the Publish Order Forecast job and submits the job. If you want to select various additional parameters that are available for the Publish Order Forecast scheduled process, you must submit the job manually from the Scheduled Processes work area and select your parameters.
  • When you publish the order forecast from the Manage Plans page, you publish the order forecast for all the valid suppliers within the plan.
  • You can publish the order forecast that belongs to one Item-Organization at a time from the Items or Supplies and Demand tables. You can't publish two rows of items with different Item-Organization combinations.
  • Use the Collaboration Basis column on the Suppliers tab on the Maintain Supply Network Model page to indicate how you want to publish the order forecast to your suppliers. You can choose to publish the order forecast at the supplier and supplier site levels based on one of the following dates:
    • Start date: The start date by which suppliers must start manufacturing an order so that it can be fulfilled on time.
    • Dock date: The dock date by which suppliers must fulfill the order.