Receive Supplier Commits

Use the Receive Supplier Commits scheduled process to receive supplier commitments into a supply plan.

When to Use

Use this process to pull the supplier commits back into Oracle Supply Planning as supplier capacity.

Collaborating with suppliers by publishing an order forecast enables:

  • Suppliers to send supply commits to the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
  • OEMs to receive supply commits as supplier capacity.

This process enables the supplier to commit to a supply and indicate their ability to meet the demand. It helps OEMs to plan their downstream activities in the supply chain more efficiently.

Privileges Required

  • Release Planning Recommendations (MSC_RELEASE_PLANNING_RECOMMENDATIONS_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type It can be run spontaneously or be scheduled to run at regular interval.
Frequency Frequency depends on the business requirement, but typically before running the supply plan.
Time of Day It can be submitted any time based on your requirements, but typically before running the supply plan.
Duration Duration depends on number of supplier and supplier sites or items for which supplier commits are received.
Compatibility There are no incompatibilities defined for this scheduled process. You can launch this process for different plans at same time.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Notes
Plan Required Receive supplier commitments into this plan. Supply plan or Demand and Supply plan NA
  • You can view the status of Receive Supplier Commits process on the Scheduled Process UI.
  • Refer to the log file attached to the Receive Supplier Commits process for details about value of input parameter, warning, and error messages.
  • The commits received in Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Collaboration are based on the ship-from supplier site and the ship-to organization. However, once the order commits are pulled into Supply Chain Planning as supplier capacity, the commits are aggregated by supplier site regardless of organization.