Release Plan

Use the Release Plan scheduled process to release the planning recommendations either from a Supply plan or from a Demand and Supply plan. Planners can Mark for Release different planning recommendations and release them together.

Using the process, planners can perform these tasks:

  • Review the plan recommendations that the planning process generates, mark them for release, and then release them for execution.
    Note: You can submit his process either from the Scheduled Process UI or from the Demand and Supply page in Supply Planning.
  • Release new planned orders as supply, or reschedule the supplies that exist in the form of work orders, transfer orders, and purchase orders.
  • After you release the plan recommendations:
    • All new, rescheduled, or cancelled planned orders are sent to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration, which continues to process the recommendations.
    • Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration sends both new releases and reschedules to Oracle Manufacturing, Purchasing, and Logistics, depending on the type of supply.
    • Plan recommendations can be released from Supply Chain Planning to an external execution system.

      When you release the recommendation, the planning process generates a comma-separated-values (CSV) file, which is attached to the child scheduled process, Release Planning Recommendations: Release to External Source Systems. You can download the CSV file to continue processing these recommendations into the external execution system.

When to Use

Use the process to release supply-planning recommendations for implementing standard plan-to-produce business flows.

Privileges Required

  • Release Planning Recommendations (MSC_RELEASE_PLANNING_RECOMMENDATIONS_PRIV)


Review these specifications before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type You can run it spontaneously or schedule it to run at regular intervals. This job must be run after completion of supply plan.
Frequency Frequency depends on the business requirement. Planners can submit this job individually, or multiple planners can coordinate to submit this job once.
Time of Day It can be submitted any time based on your requirements, but typically after completion of supply plan run.
Duration Duration depends on the number of planning recommendations selected for release.
Compatibility This process can run in parallel for different plans, but for the same plan it runs serially.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Notes
Type Required Type of plan.
  • Supply plan
  • Demand and Supply plan
Name Required Name of the plan. List of plan names depending on the type of plan. For example, if Type is Supply plan, the list of supply plans displays. The planner then can select a supply plan from list of values.

Troubleshooting Information

  • Verify release results in the Scheduled Processes work area:
    1. In the Hierarchy view, ensure that the top-level process name is Release Plan.
    2. Select Load Interface Tables.
    3. Check the log file of each table to confirm the release. Also, check the submission notes for each process. The notes identify the type of release.
    4. After you release the plan recommendations, all new, rescheduled, or canceled planned orders are sent to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration. Go to the Supply Chain Orchestration work area to view requests that weren't processed and to check why the exceptions were created.
      Note: The scheduled process will error out if none of the planning recommendation is marked for release in the Supply plan or in the Demand and Supply plan.
  • If the job fails:
    • Review the error messages in the log file.
    • If the reason for the failure isn’t clear from the logs, review the diagnostic logs and contact product support for more help.