Retrieve Production Monitoring Alerts

Use the Retrieve Production Monitoring Alerts scheduled process to get alerts in real time for IoT-enabled resources that are generated by Oracle Production Monitoring, part of the Oracle Fusion Cloud IoT Intelligent Applications.

The alerts are updated in the plan header, and in the Planning Advisor UI every time the scheduled process completes.

When to Use

Use this process to monitor the health of your resources. The process uses sensor-based, advanced machine-learning algorithms from IoT Production Monitoring Cloud Service to predict possible resource downtimes before they happen. This real-time information helps businesses plan their supply chain by moving workloads to alternate resources to meet their demands.

You can access the Production Monitoring recommendations by running a supply plan or by scheduling it as a standalone process.

Privileges Required

  • Manage Planning Advisor Alerts (MSC_MANAGE_PLANNING_ADVISOR_ALERTS_PRIV)


Review these specifications before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type

You can run it spontaneously or schedule it to run at regular intervals. This job also runs at the end of a supply plan if you set specific plan options. If you want to retrieve the resource downtime predictions frequently, you can schedule the job to run at regular intervals.


Depends on the business requirement, but typically daily or several times a day.

Time of Day You can submit it at any time, based on your requirements.

Duration depends on:

  • Number of resources included in the list.
  • Metric Type. For example, retrieving both predictions and anomalies will take more time than retrieving only predictions.
Compatibility No incompatibilities have been defined for this scheduled process.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Notes
Resources Required

A list of values that includes all the list names with Resources list type. A Production Monitoring API is called for the resources included in the selected list.

List names of the list type Resources N/A
Start Time


A period of time from which to get resource alerts. For example, Last 24 hours will retrieve alerts from the previous 24 hours.

Single value from the list:

  • Last 24 hours
  • Last 48 hours
  • Last 7 days
Metric Type Optional

Select Prediction, Anomaly, or both. Predictions forecast the future state of a machine, for example, if a failure in the next time bucket is anticipated. Anomalies provide information on current machine health, and alert you if a machine needs attention so that production delays can be avoided.

If only Prediction is selected, then this Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job retrieves only prediction events for machine failures from IoT Production Monitoring.

  • Prediction
  • Anomaly
  • All (selects both Prediction and Anomaly by default).

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of Retrieve Production Monitoring Alerts in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • See the log file attached to the Retrieve Production Monitoring Alerts process for details, which include warning and error messages.
  • Production Monitoring provides recommendations for resource instances, while Oracle Supply Planning plans at the resource level. You should calculate the reduction in resource availability based on the predictions generated by the number of resource instances that require action, as compared to the total number of resource instances that are defined for a particular resource.
  • Production Monitoring doesn't predict the length of repair or breakdown time. Contact your production supervisor to get more information about resource downtimes.
  • You must provide the Production Monitoring server with the information required to connect and fetch the product-monitoring events using the Manage Setup Content option. For more details, see the Plan Considering Events in Oracle IoT Production Monitoring Cloud readiness training.