Import and Validate Electronic Fiscal Documents

Use the Import and Validate Electronic Fiscal Documents scheduled process to import Brazilian fiscal documents that are interfaced, and to validate multiple fiscal documents.

The process lets you:
  • Perform bulk processing of the imported fiscal documents
  • Validate documents which are manually created or imported via XML

When to Use

You must schedule the Import and Validate Electronic Fiscal Documents scheduled process to run at least once a day. This ensures that the incoming electronic fiscal documents are imported electronically, validated for fiscal information, receipt or invoice creation. This process can also be run more often depending on the business needs such as prior to decision points, end of the day, or on a cadence such as after confirming the completion of item delivery activities. You should run this in coordination with the frequency and timing of the upstream scheduled processes: Import Brazil Electronic Fiscal Documents. Many customers choose to coordinate these scheduled processes with job sets. For more information, see the Create Job Sets topic in the Oracle Implementing Applications guide.

Privileges Required

  • Process Electronic Fiscal Documents (CMR_PROCESS_E_FISCAL_DOCUMENTS)


Review these specifications before you set up the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type
  • Ad hoc job
  • Scheduled
Frequency Daily or more often than daily.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Runtime of this process will vary based on the number of fiscal document lines.
Compatibility There are no incompatibilities. This process is a prerequisite process and should be coordinated with the other upstream scheduled processes to bring in electronic fiscal documents for validation and capture.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Issuer Taxpayer ID Required This parameter allows user to process fiscal documents about a specific issuer. Parameter value will be the taxpayer ID of the fiscal document issuer. No N/A
Receiver Taxpayer ID Required This parameter allows user to process fiscal documents about a specific receiver. Parameter value will be the taxpayer ID of the fiscal document receiver. No N/A
Issue Date From Optional To process fiscal documents that have the issue date on or after a specific date. Date. No N/A
Issue Date To Optional To process fiscal documents that have the issue date on or before a specific date. Date. No N/A
Fiscal Documents to Validate Optional Allows user to select the set of documents that must be processed. The term ‘process’ means the job will try to interface the imported documents that are stuck with interface exceptions, and/or validate the documents that are already existing in the application and found under Manage Inbound Fiscal Documents.

Value = New

The documents in interface exceptions will be processed and the job will try to derive and import the document successfully.

Value = Existing

The documents which are already created/imported will be processed and the job will validate those fiscal documents.

Value = All

Both the above operations will be done. The job will first try to derive and import the documents which are in interface. The job will then validate the fiscal documents which are created or imported already.

No When nothing is selected, the default value ‘New’ will be considered and only the documents in interface will be processed and will be tried to import successfully.
Fiscal Flow Optional To only validate fiscal documents under a specific fiscal flow. Fiscal Flow By default, the value will be disabled. To enable, select the Fiscal Documents to Validate parameter as either Existing or All. N/A
Bill to BU Optional To only validate fiscal documents having a specific bill to business unit. Bill to BU By default, the value will be disabled. To enable, select the Fiscal Documents to Validate parameter as either Existing or All. N/A
Sold to Legal Entity Optional To validate only fiscal documents having a specific sold to legal entity. Sold to Legal Entity By default, the value will be disabled. To enable, select the Fiscal Documents to Validate parameter as either Existing or All. N/A
Fiscal Document Status Optional To validate only fiscal documents having a specific fiscal document status. Fiscal Document Status By default, the value will be disabled. To enable, select the Fiscal Documents to Validate parameter as either Existing or All. N/A
Fiscal Document Type Optional To validate only fiscal documents with a specific fiscal document type. Fiscal Document Type By default, the value will be disabled. To enable, select the Fiscal Documents to Validate parameter as either Existing or All. N/A
Source Document Type Optional To validate only fiscal documents with a specific source document type. Source Document Type By default, the value will be disabled. To enable, select the Fiscal Documents to Validate parameter as either Existing or All. N/A
Fiscal Document Optional To import or validate fiscal documents for a fiscal document. Fiscal Document Number If Fiscal Documents to Validate = New, all documents in the interface will be listed.

If Fiscal Documents to Validate = Existing, all documents which are already created or imported will be listed.

If Fiscal Documents to Validate = All, all documents in interface and all documents which are already created or imported will be listed.

If Fiscal Documents to Validate = Existing or All, based on the values selected in Fiscal Flow, Bill to BU, Sold to Legal Entity, Fiscal Document Status, Fiscal Document Type, Source Document Type the list of fiscal documents will be filtered.

Troubleshooting Information

  • This scheduled process requires minimal troubleshooting.