Generate Recall Count Tasks for Missing Receiving Events

Use the Generate Recall Count Tasks for Missing Receiving Events scheduled process to generate count tasks for the put away transactions performed for the recalled items in Product Recall Management.

This process ensures that count tasks are generated for all the events that weren’t captured while receiving the recalled items. These count tasks are further used to perform recall count in the identified locations and to quarantine the affected parts.

When to Use

The Generate Recall Count Tasks for Missing Receiving Events process should be run when you perform put away transactions in Inventory, but the recall count tasks are not generated for them despite having an active recall.

Privileges Required

  • Locate Recalled Parts (ENQ_LOCATE_RECALLED_PARTS_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type
  • Ad hoc job
  • Scheduled. It is recommended to schedule the process if the receiving activity is performed regularly.

Generate the recall count tasks based on the frequency of the receiving activity. If receiving is done at frequent intervals, run this process more often.

Time of Day Anytime.
Duration Runtime of this process depends on the volume of receiving and inventory transactions.
Compatibility There should only be one instance of the Generate Recall Count Tasks for Missing Receiving Events process running at one time.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required

Troubleshooting Information

File processing using the Generate Maintenance Forecast schedule process:

  • You can view the status of the process in the Scheduled Processes work area.

  • If any of the processes end in Warning or Error, you can review them in the process log file.

  • When the process is submitted, you can resubmit, put on hold, cancel, or release the process in the Scheduled Processes work area.