How You Review Supply Allocation Results

After running a plan that uses your supply allocation rules, you review allocation results. Open the Allocation Workbench table and configure allocation scenarios to review allocation results. Here's what you need to review:

  • Allocation results at specific allocation nodes

  • Demand satisfaction metrics and allocation details for specific items and organizations

Configure an Allocation Scenario

To review allocation results, you need to configure allocation scenarios. You can create, configure, and delete allocation scenarios in the allocation workbench. Here's how you configure an allocation scenario.

  1. In the allocation scenario workbench, click the Configure Allocation Scenario icon button.

  2. Enter scenario details.

    1. Specify a scenario name.

    2. Select an organization.

    3. Select an item.

    4. Select a start date.

    5. Specify the number of buckets.

    6. Select the demand satisfaction metrics you want to review results for.

    7. Select the allocation measures you want to review results for.

    8. Select the allocation nodes you want to review results for.

  3. Save your scenario.

You can configure multiple allocation scenarios.

Review Allocation Results

  • In the Demand Satisfaction Metrics section, review the planned fill rate percentage. This value is the quantity of demand with the same requested and planned date divided by the total quantity of demand. For example, if the percentage is 100, it means that the demand is fully satisfied.

  • In the Allocation Details section, review supply for each allocation measure by target date. Click the hyperlink on the Consumed Supply value to drill to the Backlog Analysis table and identify which order consumed this supply.

Allocation Measures and Measure Values

Here are the allocation measures in the workbench and value interpretations:

  • Allocated Supply is the number of supply units allocated to a node.

  • Consumed Supply is the number of supply units consumed by an order from a node.

  • Supply Allocated for Stealing is the percentage of supply at an allocation node that aren't protected from stealing.

  • Allocation from Stealing is the percentage of supply at a node that's stolen from other nodes. If the value is positive, it means the node is a receiver, and has received supply from lower-ranked nodes. If the value is negative, the node is a donor, and has given that value of supply to a higher-ranked node.

  • Total Supply is the sum of total supply in a week across all allocation nodes and supply consumed by the shipped sales orders across all allocation nodes.

    Total weekly supply will include the on hand lot in the weekly bucket in which the hold date falls.

  • Consumed Supply by shipped orders is the supply consumed by the shipped sales orders at a node.

  • Gross Consumed Supply by shipped orders is the supply consumed by shipped orders at a specific node and its child nodes.

Note: You can manually override allocation results and rerun the plan. To do this, add the Manual Allocation measure to your scenario, then click the value cell for that measure to enter a value.

Review Allocation Details for Order Lines from the Backlog Analysis Page

You can review allocation details for order lines directly from the Backlog Analysis page. This navigation ensures analyzing allocation details for an item under allocation is easy and convenient.

Let’s take an example. There is delay in demand fulfilment due to underfulfillment at a node and overfulfillment at another node. You can quickly navigate to the Allocation Workbench directly from the Backlog Analysis page and make the allocation changes.

Here is how you can search the item under allocation on the Backlog Analysis table and analyze the allocation details on the Allocation Workbench.

  1. Search the item under allocation on the Backlog Analysis page.
  2. Select the order line whose allocation details need to be analyzed.
  3. From the Actions drop-down list, select Review Allocation Workbench.
  4. Now you are navigated to the Allocation Workbench page. Save your navigation results to an allocation scenario by following these steps:
    1. Click the Configure Allocation Scenario icon.
    2. Enter an unique name of scenario in the Configure Allocation Scenario dialog box.
    3. Select the Default check box if the current Allocation Scenario has to be set as default.
    4. Move the measures that you want from Available Metrics section to Selected Metrics section in the Demand Satisfaction Metrics tab and Allocation Measures tab.
    5. You can select additional allocation nodes in the Allocation Nodes tab.
    6. Click Save and Close.

The Allocation Scenario you just created will be displayed. You can now go ahead and analyze the scenario.

Consider these points while reviewing an order line from the Backlog Analysis page:

  • You can navigate from the Backlog Analysis page to the Allocation Workbench page only if the order is for an item under allocation.
  • The allocation node should be available on the order line on the Backlog Analysis page.
  • The Review Allocation Workbench option in the Action drop-down is enabled only if a single order line is selected. The Review Allocation Workbench option is disabled if no order line is selected or multiple order lines are selected.
  • After navigating to the Allocation workbench, you first need to save the navigation results as a scenario. Only then you can edit the Manual Allocation measure.
  • The next time you navigate using the Review Allocation Workbench option on the Backlog Analysis page from the same order line, the Allocation Workbench will show you the data in the context of navigation with the Allocation Scenario field as blank. The last scenario you created or saved won’t be displayed even if it was defined as a default scenario.
  • When you navigate from the Backlog Analysis page to the Allocation Workbench page, only the Configure Allocation Scenario and Done buttons are enabled. The Run Plan and Save Planning Results buttons are disabled.