Item Availability and Constraint Analysis of Configure to Order, Shipment Sets, and Arrival Sets

Use the fields in the Backlog Analysis table to make informed decisions about releasing configure-to-order orders and shipment and arrival sets.

Before you run a plan to review item availability and constraints, select the Display constraints for configure to items, shipments sets and arrival sets check box on the Manage Backlog Planning Options page.

Review Availability and Constraints for Configure-to-Order Items

  1. In the Backlog Management work area, select Full pane from the Open menu.
  2. In the Open Table, Graph or Tile Set dialog box, select Backlog Analysis and click OK.
  3. Search for the configure-to-order order that you want to review.

You can now view the details of the configure-to-order order in the Backlog Analysis table. To analyze each order line of a configure-to-order order:

  1. Click the Show Table icon to change from normal table mode to tree-table mode.
  2. In the tree-table mode, expand the model line to display the option classes.
  3. Expand the option-class line to show the option items.

You can view configure-to-order lines without a tree structure in normal mode.

To analyze the constraints and availability of each order line, check the values of these fields:

Fields for constraints and availability analysis in Backlog Analysis table

Field Description
Item Availability Date The date when the configure-to-order order would be available. The availability of one or more items in the order can affect the availability date.
Planned Date Without Item The date when the configure-to-order order can be made available without the selected item.
Improvement Potential Without Item in Days Estimated delay, in days, that the constraint on the selected item causes. The value is calculated as the difference of days between Item Availability Date and the Planned Date Without Item.
Constraint Rank Ranks the item according to how its constraint impacts availability. Ranking is based on the delay between the Item Availability Date and Requested Date. If the delay affects multiple items, the rank can be the same for all items
To view the graphical representation of a constraint for a configure-to-order order:
  1. Select any line of the configure-to-order order.
  2. Click View Constraints.
Things to consider when you review the availability and constraints for configure-to-order order:
  • You can edit simulation attributes such as Enforce Current Commit, Pull In, and Override Priority only at the model or the header levels in both normal table mode and tree-table mode.
  • You can override planned attributes such as Planned Ship Date, and Planned Arrival Date only at the model or the header levels in both normal table mode and tree-table mode.
  • Constraint analysis is applicable to all configure to order types
    • Assemble to order
    • Pick to order model
    • Pick to order kit
  • If you release any line of a configure-to-order order, then:
    • All lines of that order are released.
    • All the child lines of the order such as model, option class, and option item lines are also released.
  • If you mark one line of a configure-to-order item for release, all the other lines will be marked for release.

Review Availability and Constraints for Order Lines within Shipment Set or Arrival Set

  1. In the Backlog Management work area, select Full pane from the Open menu.
  2. In the Open Table, Graph or Tile Set dialog box, select Backlog Analysis and click OK.
  3. Search for the shipment set or arrival set you want to review.

You can now view the details of the shipment set or arrival set in the Backlog Analysis table. All the lines of a shipment set and arrival set are shown directly on Backlog Analysis page. To identify the set the order line belongs to, check the Set Name of the order line. The order lines of the same set have the same set name.

Things to consider when working with order lines:
  • We recommend that you analyze set and standard orders in normal table mode, and not in tree- table mode.
  • You can view the revenue for each line of the set only at the order line level, and not at the total level revenue for the set.
These fields will help you analyze constraints:
  • Item Availability Date
  • Planned Date Without Item
  • Improvement Potential Without Item in Days
  • Constraint Rank
To view the graphical representation of a constraint for a shipment set or arrival set order:
  1. Select any order line of the set.
  2. Click View Constraints.

To remove an order line from the set to resolve a constraint:

  1. Select any order line of the set.
  2. From the Actions drop-down list, select Manage Set.

    All the lines of the shipset or arrival set are displayed.

  3. Select the order line that you want to remove.
  4. From the Actions drop-down list, select Remove from Set.
  5. Click Done.

After removing the constraining items, you can release the backlog planning results to Oracle Fusion Cloud Order Management. You can also remove constraining items while working with external Order Management systems.

Note: You can remove the order line only from the Manage Set page and not from the Backlog Analysis table.
To add an order line back to the set:
  1. Select any order line of the set.
  2. From the Actions drop-down list, select Manage Set.

    All the lines of the shipset or arrival set are displayed.

  3. Select the order line you want to add.
  4. From the Actions drop-down list, select Add Back to Set.
  5. Click Done.
When you take action on any one line of a set, the action automatically applies to all the other lines of the set. These actions follow this rule:
  • Simulate attributes
  • Perform planned attribute updates using manual overrides.
  • Mark and unmark a line for release
  • Release a line
  • Lock or unlock a line