Key Order Attributes

Reviewing planning results involves the comparison of some key order attributes. We group them as Requested attributes, Scheduled attributes, Planned attributes, Calculated attributes, and Backlog Planning Control attributes.

Requested Attributes

Requested attribute values are specified during order creation. They're collected during the data collection process, and you can simulate changes to some of them in the Backlog Analysis table. Here are the key requested attributes:

  • Requested Date. The date for which the order was requested.

  • Request Type. Orders can be of the shipment or arrival type, as specified by the customer. If the type is shipment, the customer has requested for the order to be shipped. If it's arrival, the customer has requested for the order to be delivered at the customer site.

  • Requested Ship-from Organization. The value defaults to the organization on the order line, but you can change it.

  • Requested Drop Ship Supplier Site.

  • Requested Item.

  • Requested Shipping Method. This is the concatenation of shipping information, namely the requested carrier, requested mode of transport, and requested service level. You can edit the method value, but you can't change values for individual method components.

In addition to these, your customer also defines the Earliest Acceptable Date and Latest Acceptable Date for an order. The order also carries a Demand Fulfillment Lead Time value that your enterprise and the customer agreed upon. You can't change them, and the engine respects them during planning.

Scheduled Attributes

Scheduled values are determined by Global Order Promising, and are always available only if your enterprise uses Oracle Fusion Cloud Order Management. Here are the key scheduled attributes:

  • Scheduled Ship Date and Scheduled Arrival Date.

  • Scheduled Date. It's the same as the Scheduled Ship Date if the request type is Shipment. It's the same as the Scheduled Arrival Date if the request type is Arrival.

  • Scheduled Ship-from Organization, also known as the drop ship supplier.

  • Scheduled Shipping Method..

You can't edit Scheduled values.

Planned Attributes

Planned attribute values are determined in Backlog Management. Planned attributes are displayed only after you run plans. Here are the key planned attributes:

  • Planned Ship Date and Planned Arrival Date.

  • Planned Date. It's the same as the Planned Ship Date if the request type is Shipment. It's the same as the Planned Arrival Date if the request type is Arrival.

  • Planned Ship-from Organization, also known as the drop ship supplier.

  • Planned Shipping Method. This is the concatenation of shipping information, namely the requested carrier, requested mode of transport, and requested service level. You can edit the method value, but you can't change values for individual method components.

You can override Planned values to simulate different planing outcomes.

Calculated Attributes

Some attribute values are calculated during the backlog planning process on the basis of planned, scheduled, and requested attributes:

  • Fulfillment Lead Time Date. This value is calculated using the demand fulfillment lead time, which is the number of days post the order creation date within which the order must be fulfilled. This lead time value is mutually decided by your enterprise and your customer, and can be updated through a REST service or on the Manage Backlog Planning Options page. The fulfillment lead time date can also be specified through a REST service. If the requested date is later than the fulfillment lead time date calculation, then the fulfillment lead time date is matched to the requested date.

  • Calculated Priority. The planning process calculates a priority value for every order using the demand priority rule you specified. These values are always in multiples of ten, with 10 being the highest priority value. If a row represents a set, the displayed calculated priority value will apply on the entire set, and all constituent items will have the same value.

  • Scheduled Days of Delay. It's the difference in working days between the Scheduled Date and the Requested Date.

  • Planned Days of Delay. It's the difference in working days between the Planned Date and the Requested Date.

  • Days of Improvement. The difference between the planned days of delay and the scheduled days of delay. A positive value implies that the planned values are an improvement on the scheduled values.

  • Order Revenue. It's the product of the selling price and the requested quantity. A row that represents a set displays the total order revenue of all lines in the set. Selling Price and Requested Quantity are both collected attributes.

  • Order Margin. It's the difference between the order revenue and the order fulfillment cost, which is a collected attribute.

Set-Related Attributes

When you review planning results for a shipment or arrival set, remember that the planned date for its most constrained item becomes the planned date for the entire set, and this is planned date displayed for the row that represents the set. For such a row, the order revenue displayed is the total revenue of all its constituent lines. In addition to the requested, scheduled, and planned values, there are a few more relevant attributes that you compare while reviewing a set:

  • Item Availability Date. The date when an item will be available. All items with an item availability date later than the requested date are treated as constraining items, and they get constraint-ranked.

  • Constraint Rank. Values that indicate which items are more constraining, with 1 being the most constrained value.

  • Planned Date Without Item. The planned date of the set with regard to a specific constraint rank, if all items with an equal or higher constraint rank are removed from the set.

  • Improvement Potential Without Item in Days. The number of days by which the planned date of a set with regard to a specific constraint rank will improve if all items with an equal or higher constraint rank are removed from the set.

  • Original Set Name. The name of the set a line belonged to before it was removed from the set.

Backlog Planning Control Attributes

You use some attributes in the Backlog Analysis UI to control how the planning process respects your scheduled and planned values:

  • Override Priority. This attribute retains the corresponding calculated priority value, but you can override that calculated value in this column and rerun the plan.

  • Enforce Current Commit. When the value is Yes, the scheduled date on the order will be respected. If you change it to No, its planned date can end up being later than its scheduled date.

  • Pull-in Enabled. When the value is Yes, the planning process considers the order for improvement. If you change it to No, the order won't be considered for improvement, but its scheduled date will still be respected.

  • Locked. A lock icon at the start of a row indicates that the planning results for that order were locked. You can lock results by setting the Locked Status value on an order to Yes or by using the Lock Planning Results action on multiple orders.

  • Manually Overridden. A pencil icon at the start of a row indicates that the planning results for that order which were determined by the planning process were overridden manually. You can override results by first setting the Manually Overridden value on an order to Yes or by using the Override Planning Result action on orders.

These attributes are specific to Backlog Management and aren't included in collected data. To know more about enforcing current commits, pulling in orders, locks, and manual overrides, refer to the Simulate Changes to Attribute Values section in this chapter.

Other Attributes

There are a few more attributes worth considering when you review planning results:

  • Simulation Demand. An order simulation that's loaded into Backlog Management using the collection process, that's planned just like a real sales orders. If the column value is Yes, the row doesn't represent a simulation demand. Planning results on simulation demands don't affect analytics and can't be released.

  • Reserved. An order for which supply has been reserved is marked with a chain-link icon. Reserved lines are also identifiable by the Yes value in the Reserved column.

  • Configuration Item. The top-level configured item for CTO orders.

  • Demand Source System. The source system the demand was collected from.

  • Demand Class. A classification of customers or demand sources for an order. This is a collected attribute that you can't modify.

  • Error Text. If the order isn't modeled viably for planning, an error message is displayed when you attempt a plan run. The error text column displays one of these values: Requested Date Out of Range, Sourcing Failed, Invalid Item and Organization Combination, or Invalid Organization and Ship Method Combination

  • Fulfillment Cost. The cost of fulfilling the order. It is collected from Oracle Fusion Cloud Order Management.

  • Item Type. The type of the requested item. It can be Standard or ATO Model.

  • Last Updated By. The user who updated the demand most recently. If the demand was updated by a scheduled process, the value displayed is FUSION_RUNTIME.

  • Last Updated Date and Time. The date and time when the demand was last updated.

  • Notes. Users can add notes for an order. Notes are retained when the order is replanned.

  • Order Creation Date and Time. It's a collected attribute.

  • Planner. The planner responsible for a demand line. It's a collected attribute.

  • Selling Price. The price of an item per unit. It's a collected attribute used to calculate the order revenue.

  • Ship-to Organization. It's a collected attribute valid only for orders sourced from Oracle Fusion Cloud Order Management.

Note: Your enterprise may have loaded additional attributes into Backlog Management. Values for these attributes appear in the Additional Information column in the Backlog Analysis table. To know more about user-defined attributes, refer to the How User-Defined Attributes Are Added topic in the Demand Priority Rules chapter.