Key Actions on Orders

When you navigate to the Backlog Management work area, the Backlog Analysis table UI opens by default. Use this UI to search for orders, to plan them interactively, and to simulate changes to attributes between plan runs. When you finish planning, you can save planning results and take release actions in this UI.

Search Actions

Search for orders using search criteria, which include all order attributes. You can use the Add Fields action to include attribute criteria that are hidden. You can also set up or save specific search results:

  • Use the Manage Conditions action in the Search region to create a set of attribute-based search filters. Each set is called a condition. Using a condition, you can filter the backlog to see search results only for orders that meet your condition criteria.

  • Use the Save action in the search region to save a particular search after giving it a name. This lets you preserve search criteria and the results for those criteria, so that you can revisit this search using the drop-down list of names in the Saved Search field.

After You Search

  • Manage columns in the Search Results table and save multiple table layouts.

    • To manage or search for saved layouts, use the Layout menu.

    • To start a new layout, organize columns by clicking View > Manage Columns.

    • To save a layout, click the Save Table Layout action.

    • To undo your rearrangement of columns for an existing layout, click the Save Table Layout drop-down button and select Reset Layout.

  • Export search results into a CSV file. To view export actions, open the Actions menu.

    • Click Export All to export individual order lines and set headers.

    • Click Export All plus Set Lines to export individual order lines and set lines.

    • Click Export Selected to export selected order lines and set headers.

    • Click Export Selected plus Set Lines to export selected order lines and set lines belonging to selected set rows.

    Note: Set line exports also include set management attributes, such as Item Availability Date and Constraint Rank.

Plan Run Actions

Use plan run actions Run Plan or Refresh and Plan to plan your backlog.

  • All orders in your search results are planned.

  • You can also change the demand priority rule and rerun the plan to see how fulfillment prospects change.

You can also run plans using a scheduled process. To know more, refer to the Run Plans section in this chapter.

Review Actions

The plan run ranks your orders in priority sequence on the basis of the demand priority rule. It also calculates and displays planning results for your orders that correspond to scheduling and requested information. Here's what you need to do:

  • Review and compare Planned values with their corresponding Scheduled and Requested Attributes.

  • Some rows represent sets, and the set name will be displayed for such rows. Use the Manage Set action to review results for set's constituent lines.

  • To view analytics for the planned orders, use the page-level Open action and open the Backlog Analytics graph.

  • To review supply allocation results, use the page-level Open action and open the Allocation Workbench table.

To know more, refer to the Review Planning Results section in this chapter.

Attribute Data Simulation Actions

Plan runs yield planning results, which you can review and take further action on, before rerunning the plan to get new planning results. These actions control how the planning process treats your planning results and the existing scheduling information in the next plan run. Here's the list of simulations:

  • Changing the Enforce Current Commit column value to No

  • Changing the Pull-in Enabled column value to No

  • Locking planning results using the Lock Planning Results action, or by changing the Locked column value to Yes for individual lines.

  • Manually overriding planning results using the Override Planning Result action, or by changing the Manually Overridden column value to Yes for individual lines.

  • Removing constraining items from a set using the Remove from Set action.

  • Manually overriding supply allocation.

Because these are simulations within Backlog Management, they don't impact actual scheduling information that's visible to your customers. To know more about these simulations, refer to the Simulate Changes to Attribute Values section in this chapter.

Release Actions

When you're satisfied with the Planned values, you need to prepare them for release and then release them to the order management system:

  • Use the Save Planning Results action to save Planned values to the backlog planning data repository.

  • Use the Mark for Release action on selected rows to indicate that they're ready for release.

  • Use the Release Planning Results action to release them to your order management system.

You can also release planning results using a scheduled process. To know more, refer to the Release Planning Results topic in this chapter.