Overview of Plan Runs

After searching for orders, you need to plan them using demand priority rules. You run plans for two reasons:

  • To view how orders are prioritized for fulfillment on the basis of the rule you specified

  • To obtain planning results for each order. Planning results for an order correspond to the existing scheduling information on that order, and they indicate whether an order's fulfillment can be improved beyond its scheduled date.

Here's how the plan run process works:

  1. You select a demand priority rule and click a plan action.

  2. The planning process calculates priority values for each order based on the attribute ranking and attribute value rankings specified in the rule.

  3. Supply is redistributed among orders based on their calculated priority values. By default, supply is redistributed so that scheduled dates on all orders are respected.

  4. Based on how much supply is allocated to each order, the planning process determines Planned values, such as the Planned Date and the Planned Shipping Method, that correspond to existing Scheduled Values.

Note: Backlog Management primarily uses supply that's already reserved for an order. Additional available supply is considered only after reserved supply is used up. To know if an order has reserved supply, check if there's a chain link icon at the start of the order row, or if the value in the Reservation Status column is Yes. You can also review the reserved supply quantity, the reserved supply document number, and the reserved supply type for each order. To know more about reservations, refer to the Reservations in Supply Chain Planning topic. Reservations are respected whether or not the supply data is sourced from Oracle Supply Planning.