Release Planning Results

If you're satisfied with the results of your plan run, you can release them to your enterprise's order management system. You can release planning results from the Backlog Analysis page or from the Scheduled Processes page. Here's how you do it:

From the Backlog Analysis page:

  1. Use the Save Planning Results action to register these results in the backlog planning data repository.

  2. Select the orders whose results you want to release and use the Mark for Release action to make the results on these lines eligible for release. You can undo this using the Unmark for Release action.

  3. To release all lines together, on the table-level Actions menu, select Release Planning Results. To release few lines, select or highlight the lines that you want to release and then select Release Planning Results.
Note: The Release Status column tells you if an order has been marked for release. After planning, if planned values are different from scheduled values, the status is Release. If you mark the order for release, the status changes to Marked for Release. If you use the Unmark for Release action on the order, the status reverts to Release.
Note: Picked orders can be planned but can’t be released.

From the Scheduled Processes page:

  1. Click the Schedule New Process action.

  2. Search for the Release Backlog Planning Results job and click OK.

  3. In the Process Options dialog box, define values for the parameters that will control your process run.

  4. Click Submit.

After release, scheduled information in Order Management, Global Order Promising, and Supply Planning is updated. If your enterprise uses an external order management system, the release process generates a CSV file that can be used to feed planned information into that system.

Note: You can run more than one Release Backlog Planning Results scheduled process in parallel via ESS, UI or REST. If a sales order line is in the scope for two or more parallel Release Backlog Planning Results scheduled processes, then the order line is released only by the first scheduled process.