Create Manual Claims

Here you'll learn how to create manual claims.

  1. From the Navigator, click Deductions and Settlement or Customer Channel Management under Order Management.
  2. From the Claims page, click Create.
  3. On the New Claim page that appears, enter the following details:
    • Select a Business Unit. If your role has access to only one business unit, that business unit is selected by default.
      Note: If your role has access to multiple business units and the default business unit is defined in the Default Business Unit profile option, then the default business unit defined is displayed when you create a new claim. You can select another business unit to which you have access, if required.
    • Optionally, enter a Claim Number.
    • Optionally, enter a date.
    • Select a Currency.
    • Enter the Claim Amount.
    • Optionally, enter the Customer Reference.
    • Optionally, enter the Customer Reference Date.
    • Enter the Customer Reason.
    • Optionally, enter the Source Claim System. This is the name of the third-party system from which the claim is generated.
    • Optionally, enter the Source Claim Number. This is the claim number in the third-party system from which the claim is generated. If you don't add a number, the application automatically generates a number when you save your claim.
    • Select a Claim Type.
    • Select a Claim Reason.
    • In the Bill To section, enter the billing information of the customer for which you're creating this claim.
    • In the Ship To section, enter the shipping information.
  4. Click Create.
Note: You can cancel manual claims.