How You Capture E-Signatures and Generate E-Records for Work Definition Management

You can enable the ability to capture electronic signatures and generate electronic records for work definition creation, and work definition update.

The electronic record that you automatically generate for a work definition has the following information:

  • Work Definition Details

  • Attachment Details

  • Operation Details

  • Operation Item Details

  • Operation Output Details, for a process work definition

  • Substitute Details for an Operation Item, for a discrete work definition

  • Operation Resource Details

  • Alternate Resource Details for an Operation Resource

After you enable electronic signatures for a manufacturing work definition, the created work definition has a version in Draft status. You can continue to save changes to a Draft work definition version.

Work definition version status works simultaneously with the workflow for the deferred approval and can have one of the following statuses:

  • Draft

  • Pending Approval

  • Approved

You can initiate the deferred electronic signature capture process when you submit the work definition for approval. Approvers can access notifications in the Oracle Cloud application. They can review the electronic records before adding their electronic signature. Approvers can also enter comments, indicate their approval or rejection, and sign the electronic record by using a password. Approvers also have the visibility to the current status of the approval process in the approval History region in the approval workflow notification. Electronic records are generated and the electronic signatures are captured during this approval process. The work definition version is updated as Approved for an approved outcome and Draft for a rejected outcome.

The behavior for the work definition operations, operation materials and resources for an approved work definition version is the same as the work definition that is pending approval. The only exceptions are when:

  • Further changes can be made by creating a new work definition version.

  • Work definition priorities can be changed without requiring a new electronic signature.

  • In the case of a discrete work definition, the item structure component changes approved and completed in the Oracle Fusion Product Model are processed by the Process Item Structure Changes to Work Definitions scheduled process.

A new work definition version and any changes introduced including the deletion of any operations go through the same electronic signature process. The deleted operation or any changes are only available for use in production after these are approved.

You can search and retrieve electronic records in the electronic records work area using multiple search criteria like the contents of the report title, the transaction type, organization, signed date, and status. The electronic records are stored in secured document repository and cannot be modified or deleted. Oracle E-Signatures and E-Records store both the approved and rejected records.

Note: For more information about capturing E-Signatures and generating E-Records, refer to the Oracle SCM Cloud Using E-Signatures and E-Records guide.

Signature History

You can enable the ability to capture electronic signatures and generate electronic records for work definition creation and work definition update.