How You Create Project-Specific Work Orders

You can create and update a work order with project details in an organization that's enabled for inventory tracking by project.

  • For Discrete Manufacturing work method, you can create project-specific standard, nonstandard, rework, and transform work orders.

  • For Process Manufacturing work method, you can create project-specific standard work orders.

You can create and update work orders with project details using the Edit Work Order user interface, File-Based Data Import (FBDI), or REST APIs. You can perform error corrections using Application Development Framework Desktop Integration (ADFdi).

In the Edit Work Order page, the Project Details region lists the project-related fields. You can see the Project Details region if the Enable inventory tracking by project check box is selected in the plant parameter of the inventory organization. The project-related fields are Project Number, Task Number, Expenditure Item Date, Expenditure Type, and Expenditure Organization. Here are some details about the project-related fields that you must know:

  • Project Number is an optional field. You can create a work order that's not associated with a project even though a plant is enabled for inventory tracking by project.

  • The default Expenditure Item Date is derived from the work order completion date while Expenditure Organization is set to the manufacturing plant. The manufacturing plant must be classified as a project expenditure organization.

  • You can define the defaults for Expenditure Type and User-Defined Attributes in Functional Setup Manager. While creating a work order, after specifying a Task Number, the default values for Expenditure Type and User-Defined Attributes are based on the setup. Expenditure Type of a project-specific work order is used to calculate work center and plant overhead.

Project cost transaction validations are performed upon defining the defaults, saving, and releasing a work order. If the validations fail, you must fix the errors before the changes are saved. Project details can be updated only when the work order status is Unreleased.

In the Manage Work Orders page, Project Number and Task Number are available as search fields. These fields are also listed as column names in the search results. Searching by Project Number and Task Number returns the work orders with the corresponding project, task, or both.

In a back-to-back fulfillment scenario, when a work order in Oracle Manufacturing is automatically created as a supply to fulfill a project-specific sales order, the project details of the sales order are passed on, and carried forward in the project-specific work order. The work order in a back-to-back scenario is always created in the Released status, which you can conditionally set the status to Unreleased. If the project-specific back-to-back work order is in Unreleased status,

  • you can update the other project costing attributes such as the Expenditure Type

  • you can't update the project and task attributes if its reserved to a sales order

The finished goods in a back-to-back scenario are complete into work order specific project inventory like other project-specific work order execution flows.