How You Update a Work Order

You can use the Edit Work Order page to update a work order in the user interface. Additionally, multiple work orders can be updated using mass actions. To view or update work orders, you need the following privileges:

  • View Work Order: Enables query and view of work order details.

  • Manage Work Order Headers: Enables creation of work orders and update of work order header and general information, except status update for closing a work order.

  • Manage Work Order Operations: Allows addition and update of work order operations and its entities.

  • Manage Work Order Lots: Allows preassigning lots to work order output items.

  • Manage Work Order Serials: Allows entry of work order serials and related actions.

During the lifecycle of the work order, it's updated by the user or the application to transition the statuses. You can update the attributes of a work order in any status with the certain exceptions. Certain attributes such as work order number, product, reservation details, and so on can't be updated once a work order is created. The following tabs are available in the Edit Work Order page:

  • General Information: Work order header level information, such as product, work definition, work order status, attachments and so on.

  • Operations: Work order operation information, such as operation name, work center, components and resources requirements.

  • Lot Numbers: Lot numbers, parent lot number, and lot expiration date are specified for work order outputs if preassigned lot is enabled in the work definition.

  • Serial Numbers: Product serial numbers which are associated with the work order for serial-tracked manufacturing.

  • Reservations: Supplies from a work order that are reserved against one or more sources of demand.

  • History: Work order execution history such as status, dates, and quantities.

You can update the release date of a work order in the General Information tab based on certain validations. If you're changing the work order from unreleased, or on hold status to released status, the release date will be defaulted with the current application date. You can update it to a previous date. You also can't change the release date to a future date. The release date of a work order is updated in the History tab accordingly. You can't change the release date when you change the work order from released status to on hold, completed, closed, or canceled status.

You can update the closed date of a work order in the General Information tab based on certain validations. If you're changing the work order from any status to closed status, the closed date will be defaulted with the current application date. You can update it to a previous date, not earlier than the last transaction date. You also can't change the closed date to a future date. The closed date of a work order is updated in the History tab accordingly.

You can associate or dissociate lot numbers for the work order product in the Lot Numbers tab based on certain validations.

What you can do on the Lot Numbers tab

What you can't do on the Lot Numbers tab

Discrete Work Order

You can associate lot numbers using either the Generate Lot action, Select Lot from the list of values, Manually enter a lot, or default the work order number as the lot number based on the plant parameter. You can generate Parent Lot Number, or manually enter the value depending upon the item setup for child lot control. You can also capture Lot Expiration Date, if the item lot expiration control is set as User-defined expiration date.

You can't dissociate a preassigned lot, if any transaction has been performed with that lot number.

Process Work Order

You can associate lot numbers using either the Generate Lot action, Select Lot from the list of values, Manually enter a lot, or default the work order number as the lot number based on the plant parameter. You can generate Parent Lot Number, or manually enter the value depending upon the item setup for child lot control. You can also capture Lot Expiration Date, if the item lot expiration control is set as User-defined expiration date.

You can't dissociate a preassigned lot, if any transaction has been performed with that lot number. If there are any product completion transactions without preassigning a lot number, then you can't preassign lot number for the respective product or by-product.