How You View Audit Report for Work Definitions

Audit history for work definition is available from the Audit Reports work area. To search for work definition changes, select Common Work Setup under Product, and Work Definition under Business Object Type. You must enter a Date criteria. Optionally, you can filter the results by specifying a specific user or event type, for example, insert (create), update, or delete. You can export the search results to Excel for detailed analysis.

The Description field can be used to search for specific work definition records. You can enter the work definition item in the Description field, or to narrow down the results, you can use a part of the description displayed on the search results. For example, if you specify “Item:ITEM_NAME/Sequence:10,” it will then return specific work definition records for the specified item with operation sequence 10, and the corresponding child objects.

To retrieve audit records for the child objects, select Include child objects. Depending on what has been configured by your administrator, the following work definition’s child objects would be retrieved:
  • Work definition versions

  • Work definition attachments

  • Work definition operations and their descriptive flexfields

  • Work definition operation items (including documents), their descriptive flexfields, substitute components, and attachments

  • Work definition operation outputs, if it is a process manufacturing work definition, their descriptive flexfields, and attachments

  • Work definition operation resources, their descriptive flexfields, alternate resources, and attachments

  • Work definition operation item substitute details for discrete and process manufacturing work orders

Creation, update, and deletion of work definitions are tracked automatically down to the attributes level. To display updates to the attributes, select Show Attribute Details. The old value and new value are displayed for each update.

Additional contexts are available to uniquely identify a record. To display contexts, select Show additional object identifier columns. There are 3 contexts available: Work Definition for Context1, which is the Work Definition Name, Organization for Context2, and Version for Context3. Work definition audit report shows the impacted work definition versions for any changes to operations, operation items, operation outputs, or operation resources that are done for an operation that is effective in multiple versions. The impacted versions information changes dynamically. The values captured for the Version context may vary depending on when the audit report is ran and what versions are applicable at that point.

The description of the audit record captures the unique reference for each business object type, whether it is the work definition header, work definition version, work definition operation, work definition operation material, etc. Specifying a part of the description in the Description search field allows you to search the change history for specific work definition records that you are interested in.

Item structure component attributes that are referenced from Oracle Product Hub, such as basis type and substitute material unit of measure cannot be audited as part of the manufacturing work definition. You can implement change orders to track these item structure component attribute changes.