Revise Sales Orders That You Already Submitted

If you must revise a sales order that you already submitted, create a new version of it, then edit the new version.

  1. On the Overview page, click Advanced.

    As an alternative, if you know the sales order number, search for it on the Overview page.

  2. On the Manage Orders page, set the value, then click Search.




    Equals Processing

    You can create a new version of a sales order only if its in Processing status or Closed status. You might not be able to modify some attributes in the new version after the sales order is Closed.

  3. On the Manage Orders page, in the Order column, click an order number.

  4. Click Actions > Create Revision.

    Order Management stops processing the sales order, creates a new draft that you can modify, and adds a version number in parentheses immediately after the order number to indicate each version you create.

    Here's an example of version 2.

    • Create Order Revision: Computer Service and Rentals - 507412 (2) - Draft

  5. Edit the sales order, then click Submit.

    Order Management creates a new sales order and displays the new order number.

    • Computer Service and Rentals - 507412 - Processing

Order Management increments the version number each time you create a new version. You can view each version.

  1. On the Overview page, use Search to locate and open the sales order.

  2. On the Manage Orders page, notice the versions.

    You can revise only the current version. You can't revise an earlier version.

    For example, if you create a sales order and revise it, then Order Management displays (2) in the status line. If you revise it again, then Order Management displays (3). You can revise only version 3. You can't revise version 2.


  • If Order Management doesn't immediately confirm the submit, wait a moment, then query for the order on the Overview page. Don't resubmit the sales order. If you resubmit, then Order Management will create another revision and start another orchestration process, which might cause an error because a separate orchestration process will run for each revision.

  • You can't revise a sales order that you haven't submitted. Instead, edit the draft of the sales order.

  • You can't retrieve a sales order version that you discard.

  • A Gantt chart in the Order Management work area might display the status of a task as canceled. This happens because Order Management might cancel a task and run it again, but you happened to view the task while it was in the canceled state.

Revise the Order Header

  • If you revise only the order header, then Order Management will revise the header but not the order lines.

  • Order Management doesn't use values from the order header to set default values on order lines during a revision in some situations. If Order Management already shipped an order line, delivered it, or started invoicing for it, then you must revise the order line. For example, to revise payment terms, you must revise the Payment Term attribute on each order line.

  • If you revise only an order line, then Order Management will use the order line attributes that you revise. It will set attribute values to empty for each attribute that you don't revise.

  • If all of the order's fulfillment lines are closed or canceled, then you can't revise a value on the order header. If you do, then your sales order might get stuck in Draft status and you might encounter an error message that 's similar to You can't update the sales order because all of its fulfillment lines are closed or canceled.

Revise Shipped Lines

  • You can't revise the price on an order line that Order Management already shipped.

  • If Order Management splits a fulfillment line and ships part of the split line, then you can't cancel the quantity that you already shipped. If you must cancel that quantity, then create a new return line for that shipped quantity. If you also need to cancel the quantity that you haven't shipped, then create a revision and cancel the split line that has that unshipped quantity.

Update Attributes on Split Order Lines for Partial Shipments

You have different capabilities depending on whether you use the Update Attributes on Split Order Lines for Partial Shipments feature.

If Shipping already shipped part of the line, or if Receiving already received part of the return line, and if you:

Use the Feature Don’t Use the Feature

You can revise the split line just like you do when you update attributes on a line that isn’t split and that’s Awaiting Shipping in a standard or back-to-back flow. However, you can't revise the Unit of Measure, Supplier, Supplier Site, Shipment Set, or the configuration for a configured item.

You can update the attributes on the split line of a transfer order just like you do when you update attributes on a transfer order line that isn’t split and that’s Awaiting Shipping. However, you can’t update the transfer order in Inventory Management.

You can revise attributes on the split line in a drop shipment or return order just like you do when you don’t use the feature.

You can revise only some of the attributes that don't identify change on a split line, such as payment terms or sales credits.

You can't revise attributes that identify change, such as Quantity, Item, Warehouse, Supplier, Supplier Site, Requested Date, Scheduled Date, Shipment Set, and so on.

You can’t update any attribute in a transfer order.

If you enable the Use Flexfield Attributes option on your orchestration process, then you can update an extensible flexfield on a split line. The orchestration process compensates it's fulfillment tasks.

You can do this in a standard or in a back-to-back flow but not with a drop shipment or a return order.

If you enable the Use Flexfield Attributes option, then you can't update an extensible flexfield on a split line.

If you don't enable the Use Flexfield Attributes option, then you can change the value in the flexfield regardless of which fulfillment flow you're using or whether you use the feature.

You can't update attributes that identify change in these conditions regardless of whether or not you use the feature:

  • The line contains a configured item and the item is out of proportion.
  • The line is part of drop shipment that you partially shipped or is a return line that you partially received.

If you do one of these revisions and encounter an error, then discard your draft revision and create another one.

For details, see:


  • You must explicitly request the cancel when you revise a sales order. Order Management doesn't implicitly cancel order lines.

  • To cancel an order line you haven't submitted, on the Order Lines tab, click the down arrow, then click Delete.

  • If you click Create Revision to revise a sales order, don't save or submit your changes and click Cancel, then Order Management still creates a draft of your revision. If you then query for the order, you will see two revisions of the order. The lower revision is in Processing status and the higher revision is in Draft status. Order Management will continue to process the version that's in Processing status and won't do anything with the version that's in Draft status.

Increase Quantity

If you increase the quantity on an order line while you're revising a sales order, and if Order Management split the original line because the original quantity wasn't available in inventory, and if your new quantity isn't available in inventory, then Order Management won't split the line and the line might remain in Scheduled status until the entire quantity is available.

Assume you create sales order 520530. You add an order line with a quantity of 10 and submit the order, but only 8 are available in inventory. Order Management splits the order line into two lines, x and y, x with a quantity of 8 and y with a quantity of 2. It sets the status for line x to Awaiting Shipping and sets the status for line y to Scheduled. Order Management does this so it can fulfill line x right away instead of waiting until the quantity of 10 is available in inventory.

Let's say you revise the sales order, increase the quantity on the order line to 12, and submit it. Order Management already shipped 8, so you now need to fulfill a quantity of 4, 2 for the original quantity that wasn't available plus 2 more for the quantity you just added.

Order Management won't split the line because it already scheduled part of the sales order in fulfillment, so your line will remain in Scheduled status until the entire quantity is available. You also might encounter an error message.

A reservation was not created because the reservation quantity is greater than the available-to-reserve quantity.

Here's how you can avoid this problem.

  1. Go to the Order Management work area.

  2. On the Overview page, click Tasks > Manage Fulfillment Lines.

  3. On the Manage Fulfillment Lines page, search for the value.





  4. In the search results, in the Order column, click 520530.

  5. On the Order page, click the fulfillment line that contains the quantity you must modify, then click Actions > Unschedule.

  6. Click Done > Done.

  7. Revise sales order 520530, set your new quantity on the order line, then click Submit.

    Order Management will ship the quantity that's available in inventory. If 4 are available, it will ship all 4 in one line. If less than 4 are available, it will split the line, ship what's available on one line, then set the other line to Awaiting Shipping and fulfill it when the quantity is available in inventory.

    For details, see Fulfillment Line Splits.

Decrease Quantity

You can reduce the quantity on an order line that you already submitted but that Order Management hasn't already shipped. To do this, create an order revision, set the Quantity attribute on the order line to the quantity that you want to ship, then submit the order.

Don't change the quantity on the fulfillment line. If you do, Order Management will move the quantity that you reduce to the Canceled Quantity attribute and will leave the Quantity on the order line at its original value, but that's probably not the behavior you want. Assume you set the Quantity on the order line to 100 and submit the order. Some tine later, you reduce the quantity on the fulfillment line from 100 to 90. Order Management will set the Canceled Quantity to 10 and leave the Quantity on the order line at 100. To avoid this problem, don't change the quantity on the fulfillment line. Instead, create a revision and set the Quantity on the order line in your revision to 90.