Set Up Units of Measure for Pricing

Set up units of measure so Pricing can convert the unit of measure.

For example, assume Pricing receives order lines x and y, the item for each order line is AS54888, but the UOM for order line x is Each and the UOM for order line y is Box of 5.

  • Pricing doesn't convert Box of 5 to a quantity of 5 and a UOM of Each.

  • Pricing doesn't calculate the price for Box of 5 as five multiplied by the price for Each.

So, you must add a separate line for the item in the Price List Line tab for each UOM that you sell for AS54888. You can then click Create Charge to specify how to calculate price for Box of 5. For details, see Manage Price Lists.


  • Primary Pricing UOM doesn't affect pricing calculations or relationships in the current update. Pricing includes it to support converting a unit of measure in a future update.

  • You can add only one unique combination of item, unit of measure, and line type for the primary pricing UOM.

Here's an example that sets up two items when you must support different units of measure for the same item.



Pricing UOM

Primary Pricing UOM


Desktop Computer


Contains a check mark


Desktop Computer

Box of 5

Doesn't contain a check mark


Computer Monitor


Contains a check mark


Computer Monitor

Box of 5

Doesn't contain a check mark