Relationships in Quality Objects

Let's see how quality issues and actions work with affected objects, related objects, Innovation Management and Product Development.

Affected Objects

The affected objects screen provides a summary of all the affected objects involved with a specific issue or action. You can view details of the object and gain more insights into why something has happened. When you log quality issues from Manufacturing or from Inspections, affected objects are automatically added to the issue.

Add items appearing in the search results of other organizations as affected objects on quality issues and actions and remember that, access to these organizations is required for this. The functionality is applicable to nonengineering items too.

Related Objects

The Related Objects tab in the Edit Quality Issue and Edit Quality Action pages lists objects that are related to the current issue or action. These objects can be from Quality Management, Innovation Management, or Product Development. Related objects are the primary means of relating quality issues to quality actions and change orders through dependency rules.

Problem reports and corrective actions that are based on change types also have a Relationships tab where you can add related objects and create dependencies between objects. For more information, see Relationship Rules for Changes, Problem Reports, and Corrective Actions

Relationship Rules for Quality Issues and Actions

Use the Relationship rules or Dependency rules to move an object automatically in its workflow, when the related object moves to its specific status. Relationship rules can close a quality issue upon the closure of its related quality action. It can also close a quality action upon implementation of a related change order.

Use relationship rules to define and manage relationships between quality issues, quality actions, and change orders. Define rules to change the status of one object when the status of a related object is changed to a specific value. For example, you can define that the status of a quality action is set to Closed once the related change order is set to Closed. You can clearly view the status set for each object.

  • Manage privilege on the source objects is required to set rules for those objects. Remember that without this privilege, you can't open the rule editor.

  • You can create a rule only if both related objects have a workflow assigned.

The Relationship rule can only change the status of a target object if the workflow allows it and the rule is applicable only if the target status is the next status of this object. For example, the Relationship rule can't promote an issue from Draft to Closed, if it isn't defined in the workflow.

Note: Don't use the Relationship rule to promote an issue or action to an approval status, if the approvers aren't manually or by default in the approver status in Setup and Maintenance.