Create and Release Manual Planned Orders

You can create manual planned orders for buy, make, and transfer order types. For each planned order type, you can select your source specifications.

After you create the manual planned orders, you can then release the orders to the relevant source application. Creating and releasing manual planned orders enables you to respond quickly to issues by creating supplies in the source applications. You can create and release manually created planned orders from the Planning Central, Supply Planning, Demand and Supply Planning, or Replenishment Planning work area.

To create a manual planned order from the Supplies and Demands page, click the Create icon. The Create Order dialog box opens. In the Create Order dialog box, select the source type. The source type that you select enables additional parameters for the supply source.

Source Type

Additional Parameters


  • Supplier

  • Supplier Site

  • Shipping Method


(Not relevant to Oracle Fusion Replenishment Planning)

  • Item Structure Name

  • Work Definition


  • Source Organization

  • Shipping Method

After you create the manual planned orders, optionally rerun your plan to determine if the new planned orders can be executed. You can then mark the manually created planned orders for release on the Supplies and Demands page. Next, run the release process and the planning process releases your manually created planned orders.