Example of Multiechelon Replenishment Planning

This topic provides an example of multiechelon replenishment planning for an item in a supply chain with a source location and two destination locations.

These are the details of the supply chain:

  • The source location is M1 and gets its supply from a supplier.
  • The lead time for M1 is 3 days. The lead time is considered as a constraint.

    However, the supplier capacity isn't considered as a constraint.

  • M1 has two destination locations named S1 and S2.

    The lead time for S1 and S2 is 2 days.

  • The applicable policy type is min-max planning.

The following figure depicts this supply chain:

Figure depicting example of supply chain

As is evident from the example, the logic for recommending unconstrained planned orders in multiechelon replenishment planning is the same as the logic for recommending planned orders in a replenishment plan that doesn't use the functionality for multiechelon replenishment planning.

Unconstrained, Bottom-Up Phase

The following table provides the measure values for S1 during the unconstrained, bottom-up phase:

Measure 01/01 01/02 01/03 01/04 01/05 01/06 01/07 01/08 01/09 01/10 01/11 01/12 01/13 01/14 01/15
Gross Forecast 10 8 11 19 10 8 11 10 8 11 10 9 10 8 8
On Hand 25
Transfer Orders 40
Total Supply 25 40 43 39 38
On Order 40 40 43 39 38
Projected Available Balance 15 7 36 17 7 42 31 21 13 41 31 22 12 42 34
Beginning Inventory Position 55 47 36 17 50 42 31 21 52 41 31 22 50 42 34
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Order Date 43 39 38
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Due Date 43 39 38
Minimum Quantity 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Maximum Quantity 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Note these points about S1:

  • Unconstrained planned orders are recommended on 01/04, 01/08, and 01/12 when the value of the Beginning Inventory Position measure goes below 30 units. The unconstrained planned orders are the units necessary to bring the value of the Beginning Inventory Position measure up to 60 units. These unconstrained planned orders are reflected by the values of the Unconstrained Planned Orders by Order Date measure for 01/04, 01/08, and 01/12.
  • After the lead time is considered, the unconstrained planned orders are reflected by the Unconstrained Planned Orders by Due Date measure for 01/06, 01/10, and 01/14.

The following table provides the measure values for S2 during the unconstrained, bottom-up phase:

Measure 01/01 01/02 01/03 01/04 01/05 01/06 01/07 01/08 01/09 01/10 01/11 01/12 01/13 01/14 01/15
Gross Forecast 9 11 9 11 15 10 9 12 11 10 9 12 10 8 12
On Hand 21
In Transit 45
Total Supply 21 45 54 42 41
On Order 45 54 42 41
Projected Available Balance 12 46 37 26 11 1 46 34 23 13 46 34 24 16 45
Beginning Inventory Position 57 46 37 26 11 55 46 34 23 55 46 34 24 57 45
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Order Date 54 42 41
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Due Date 54 42 41
Minimum Quantity 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Maximum Quantity 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65

Note these points about S2:

  • Unconstrained planned orders are recommended on 01/05, 01/09, and 01/13 when the value of the Beginning Inventory Position measure goes below 25 units. The unconstrained planned orders are the units necessary to bring the value of the Beginning Inventory Position measure up to 65 units. These unconstrained planned orders are reflected by the values of the Unconstrained Planned Orders by Order Date measure for 01/05, 01/09, and 01/13.
  • After the lead time is considered, the unconstrained planned orders are reflected by the Unconstrained Planned Orders by Due Date measure for 01/07, 01/11, and 01/15.

Recommendation of Constrained and Unconstrained Planned Orders at the Top-Most Echelon

The following table enables you to examine the constrained and unconstrained planned orders for M1:

Measure 01/01 01/02 01/03 01/04 01/05 01/06 01/07 01/08 01/09 01/10 01/11 01/12 01/13 01/14 01/15
Unconstrained Planned Order Demand 43 54 39 42 38 41
Transfer Order Demand 40
On Hand 55
In Transit 66
Total Supply 55 66 102 93 80
On Order 66 102 102 93 93 80 80
Projected Available Balance 15 81 81 38 –16 –16 86 47 5 5 98 60 19 19 99
Beginning Inventory Position 81 81 81 38 86 86 86 47 98 98 98 60 99 99 99
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Order Date 102 93 80
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Due Date 102 93 80
Constrained Planned Orders 102 93 80
Minimum Quantity 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Maximum Quantity 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

Note these points about M1:

  • For every unconstrained planned order at S1 and S2, the corresponding demand has been created for M1 and is reflected by the Unconstrained Planned Order Demand measure.
  • Unconstrained planned orders are recommended on 01/04, 01/08, and 01/12 when the value of the Beginning Inventory Position measure goes below 80 units. The unconstrained planned orders are the units necessary to bring the value of the Beginning Inventory Position measure up to 140 units. These unconstrained planned orders are reflected by the values of the Unconstrained Planned Orders by Order Date measure for 01/04, 01/08, and 01/12.
  • After the lead time is considered, the unconstrained planned orders are reflected by the Unconstrained Planned Orders by Due Date measure for 01/07, 01/11, and 01/15.
  • The constrained planned orders that are recommended are reflected by the Constrained Planned Orders measure for 01/07, 01/11, and 01/15.

Constrained, Top-Down Phase

The following table enables you to examine the fulfillment of unconstrained planned order demands at M1:

Measure 01/01 01/02 01/03 01/04 01/05 01/06 01/07 01/08 01/09 01/10 01/11 01/12 01/13 01/14 01/15
Unconstrained Planned Order Demand 43 54 39 42 38 41
Transfer Order Demand 40
On Hand 55
In Transit 66
Total Supply 55 66 102 93 80
On Order 66 102 102 93 93 80 80
Projected Available Balance 15 81 81 38 –16 –16 86 47 5 5 98 60 19 19 99
Beginning Inventory Position 81 81 81 38 86 86 86 47 98 98 98 60 99 99 99
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Order Date 102 93 80
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Due Date 102 93 80
Constrained Planned Orders 102 93 80
Constrained Planned Order Demand 43 54 39 42 38 41
Constrained On Order 66 102 102 102 93 93 93 80 80 80
Constrained Projected Available Balance 15 81 81 38 38 38 86 47 5 5 98 60 19 19 99
Constrained Beginning Inventory Position 81 81 81 140 140 140 86 140 98 98 98 140 99 99 99
Minimum Quantity 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Maximum Quantity 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140

Note these points about M1:

  • During the top-down pass, based on the constrained supply, a constrained planned order demand is created for every unconstrained planned order demand and stored in the Constrained Planned Order Demand measure.
  • On 01/04, the value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 81 units and enough to meet the unconstrained planned order demand (43 units) for that day. The value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 38 units (81 – 43) after this demand is met.

    The value of the Constrained Planned Order Demand measure is 43 units for 01/04.

  • On 01/05, the value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 38 units and insufficient to meet the unconstrained planned order demand (54 units) for that day.

    On 01/07, a constrained planned order of 102 units is received.

    For this reason, the unconstrained planned order demand is met on 01/07, as reflected by the value of the Constrained Planned Order Demand measure for that day.

    On 01/07, the value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 86 units (38 + 102 – 54).

  • On 01/08, the value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 86 units and enough to meet the unconstrained planned order demand (39 units) for that day. The value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 47 units (86 – 39) after this demand is met.

    The value of the Constrained Planned Order Demand measure is 39 units for 01/08.

  • On 01/09, the value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 47 units and enough to meet the unconstrained planned order demand (42 units) for that day. The value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 5 units (47 – 42) after this demand is met.

    The value of the Constrained Planned Order Demand measure is 42 units for 01/09.

  • On 01/11, a constrained planned order of 93 units is received, which takes the value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure to 98 units (5 + 93).
  • On 01/12, the value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 98 units and enough to meet the unconstrained planned order demand (38 units) for that day. The value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 60 units (98 – 38) after this demand is met.

    The value of the Constrained Planned Order Demand measure is 38 units for 01/12.

  • On 01/13, the value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 60 units and enough to meet the unconstrained planned order demand (41 units) for that day. The value of the Constrained Projected Available Balance measure is 19 units (60 – 41) after this demand is met.

    The value of the Constrained Planned Order Demand measure is 41 units for 01/13.

The following table enables you to validate the creation of constrained planned orders at S1:

Measure 01/01 01/02 01/03 01/04 01/05 01/06 01/07 01/08 01/09 01/10 01/11 01/12 01/13 01/14 01/15
Gross Forecast 10 8 11 19 10 8 11 10 8 11 10 9 10 8 8
On Hand 25
Transfer Orders 40
Total Supply 25 40 43 39 38
On Order 40 40 43 39 38
Projected Available Balance 15 7 36 17 7 42 31 21 13 41 31 22 12 42 34
Beginning Inventory Position 55 47 36 17 50 42 31 21 52 41 31 22 50 42 34
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Order Date 43 39 38
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Due Date 43 39 38
Constrained Planned Orders 43 39 38
Constrained On Order 40 40 43 43 39 39 38 38
Constrained Projected Available Balance 15 7 36 17 7 42 31 21 13 41 31 22 12 42 34
Constrained Beginning Inventory Position 55 47 36 60 50 42 31 60 52 41 31 60 50 42 34
Minimum Quantity 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Maximum Quantity 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

For S1, the due dates of the unconstrained planned orders are aligned with the dates of the constrained planned orders. Therefore, all the unconstrained planned orders have been met on time.

Tip: You can validate that the unconstrained planned orders have been met on time by examining the values of the Projected Available Balance and Constrained Projected Available Balance measures. If the measure values are the same, the unconstrained planned orders have been met on time.

The following table enables you to validate the creation of constrained planned orders at S2:

Measure 01/01 01/02 01/03 01/04 01/05 01/06 01/07 01/08 01/09 01/10 01/11 01/12 01/13 01/14 01/15
Gross Forecast 9 11 9 11 15 10 9 12 11 10 9 12 10 8 12
On Hand 21
In Transit 45
Total Supply 21 45 54 42 41
On Order 45 54 42 41
Projected Available Balance 12 46 37 26 11 1 46 34 23 13 46 34 24 16 45
Beginning Inventory Position 57 46 37 26 11 55 46 34 23 55 46 34 24 57 45
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Order Date 54 42 41
Unconstrained Planned Orders by Due Date 54 42 41
Constrained Planned Orders 54 42 41
Constrained On Order 45 54 54 42 42 41 41
Constrained Projected Available Balance 12 46 37 26 11 1 –8 –20 23 13 46 34 24 16 45
Constrained Beginning Inventory Position 57 46 37 26 11 1 46 34 65 55 46 34 65 57 45
Minimum Quantity 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Maximum Quantity 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65

Note these points about S2:

  • For every constrained planned order demand at M1, a corresponding constrained planned order has been created at S2.

    In functional terms, there are constrained, inbound (planned transfer) recommendations from M1 to S2. These recommendations are represented in the Supplies and Demands table as planned orders and get converted to transfer orders after being released.

  • The constrained planned order on 01/09 at S2 is late by two days because of constraints at M1.

    So, the constrained projected available balance at S2 for 01/07 and 01/08 is negative.

    On 01/07, the constrained projected available balance is –8 units (the previous day's value of 1 minus the gross forecast of 9).

    On 01/08, the constrained projected available balance is –20 units (the previous day's value of –8 minus the gross forecast of 12).

  • On 01/09, a constrained planned order of 54 units is received.
  • On 01/09, the constrained projected available balance is 23 units (the previous day's value of –20 minus the gross forecast of 11 plus the constrained planned order of 54).