How Plan Recommendations Are Released

One of the key execution capabilities that supply chain planning offers is that you can release plan recommendations to implement standard plan-to-produce business flows. You can release plan recommendations either from a supply plan or from a demand and supply plan.

You can either manually review and release each supply chain planning recommendation or automatically approve and release them.

The following table illustrates the plan recommendations that either the planning processes can release automatically for different order types, or you can manually release the orders:

Order Type

Updates Suggested by Planning Calculations

Actions You Can Take

Purchase Orders

Quantity, Delivery Date, Firm Status

Reschedule, Cancel

Purchase Requisitions



Work Orders

Start Date, Completion Date, Firm Status

Reschedule, Cancel

Transfer Orders

Start Date, Arrival Date, Shipping Method

Reschedule, Cancel

Sales Orders

Scheduled Arrival Date, Scheduled Ship Date, Shipping Method


Note: In all cases, cancellation entails releasing an order quantity of zero.

For purchase orders and transfer orders, you can manually change the input values for the updates suggested by the plan recommendations. You can do this in the planners' workbench.

The following recommendations are released by supply chain planning to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration:

  • New planned orders for make, buy, and transfer of supplies

  • Reschedules of existing make, buy, and transfer supplies

Supply Chain Orchestration processes these recommendations and sends both new releases and reschedules to manufacturing, purchasing, and logistics depending on the type of supply.

The following recommendations are released by supply chain planning to Oracle Order Management:

  • Reschedules of sales orders

  • New planned orders for drop shipments