Manually Release Plan Recommendations

You can review the plan recommendations generated by the planning process and then manually release them for execution. You can either release new planned orders as supply or you can release reschedule recommendations for existing supplies, such as work orders, transfer orders, and purchase orders.

To review and release plan recommendations:

  1. Open the Supplies and Demands table and search for your orders.

  2. Select one or multiple rows that show the orders that you want to release for execution.

  3. At the order level, click Actions and then select Mark for Release.

    Note: The Release Status field is updated to the appropriate status (for example, Marked for release or Marked for reschedule) for each of the selected rows.
  4. Save your changes.

  5. At the page level, click Actions and then select Release. This action initiates the release plan process.

    A dialog box displays the status of the process. You can monitor the process or close the dialog box and resume other activities. If you close the dialog box, the plan action continues.

  6. You can also verify the status of this process by navigating to the Scheduled Processes page. Follow these steps to verify release results on the Scheduled Process page:

    1. Use the Hierarchy view. The top-level process name is Release Plan.

    2. Drill down to Release Planning Recommendations and select Load Interface Tables.

    3. Check the log file of each table to confirm the release. Also, check the submission notes for each process. The notes identify the type of release.

After you release the plan recommendations, all new, rescheduled, or canceled orders are sent to Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration. Navigate to the Supply Chain Orchestration work area to view requests that weren't processed and check why these exceptions were created.

Release Planned Make Orders

After you mark a planned make order for release, you can specify a work order number to use when the planned make order is released. In the Implement Work Order Number column, the number that you enter must be valid based on your source system. No validation is performed in the Supplies and Demands UI. For example, if you're using an Oracle Fusion source system, the number that you enter must be unique within the organization. Release planned make orders with duplicate work order numbers appear in Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration with an error.

Release Planned Buy Orders

After you mark a planned buy order for release, you can specify a deliver-to location to use when the planned buy order is released. If you leave the Implement Location field blank, then the default location associated with the organization is used as the deliver-to location. Optionally, you can specify a different location to be used as the deliver-to location. Only the locations that have been associated with the organization can be selected for the implement location.

Note: Changing the Implement Location field doesn't cause any of the other implement fields, such as Implement Shipping Method or Implement Ship Date, to be reevaluated.