Cycle Count Headers

The Cycle Count Headers view object contains information to define, record, and approve cycle counts.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.CycleCountHeaderExtractPVO

Primary Keys : InvCycleCountHeaderPEOCycleCountHeaderId

Initial Extract Date : InvCycleCountHeaderPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : InvCycleCountHeaderPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOAbcAssignmentGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the ABC group that the warehouse uses to initialize the item classification.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOAbcInitializationStatus Processing status of the item-initialization process.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOAllowSerialItems Value that determines whether or not to use the cycle count to count the serial items.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOApprovalOptionCode Code that indicates whether or not the warehouse requires approval.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOApprovalRequired Value that indicates whether counts must be approved separately.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOApprovalToleranceNegative Negative percent that the warehouse allows the value to vary for each item that resides in this class.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOApprovalTolerancePositive Positive percent that the warehouse allows the value to vary for each item that resides in this class.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOAutoscheduleEnabledFlag Value that determines whether or not the warehouse schedules the counts.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOContainerAdjustmentOption Value that determines whether a container quantity can be adjusted in a cycle count.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOContainerDiscrepancyOption Value that determines whether a container discrepancy is allowed in a cycle count.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOContainerEnabledFlag Value that determines whether containers are to be recorded in a cycle count.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOCostToleranceNegative Negative currency tolerance, above which an adjustment transaction requires explicit approval
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOCostTolerancePositive Positive currency tolerance, above which an adjustment transaction requires explicit approval
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOCreatedBy User who created the row.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOCreationDate Date and time when the user created the row.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOCycleCountHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the cycle count definition.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOCycleCountHeaderName Name of the cycle count. This attribute is the identifier by which each entry in the interface table is tied to a particular cycle count.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEODaysUntilLate Value that indicates the number of days after a count is scheduled that it's considered late.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEODefaultApprover User who's the default approver for the count.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEODescription Description of the cycle count.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOEndDate Date when the cycle count becomes inactive.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOHeaderLastScheduleDate Date when the last cycle count was scheduled to run by the warehouse.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOHeaderNextScheduleDate Date when the next cycle count is scheduled to run by the warehouse.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOHitMissToleranceNegative Negative percent tolerance that the warehouse uses for hit and miss analysis for this count class.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOHitMissTolerancePositive Positive percent tolerance that the warehouse uses for hit and miss analysis for this count class.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOJobDefinitionName Name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the row.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOJobDefinitionPackage Package name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the row.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the row.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOLastUpdateLogin Login that the user used when updating the row.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the row.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOMaximumAutoRecounts Maximum number of recounts that the warehouse uses on a cycle count.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEONextUserCountSequence Next sequence number for the count list report.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOOnhandVisibleFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then display the on-hand quantity during count entry. If false, then don't display the on-hand quantity during count entry. The default value is false.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOOverrideDefaultApprover Users other than the default approver who can have access to approve the count sequences.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEORequestId Value that uniquely identifies the request of the scheduled process that created or last updated the row.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOScheduleIntervalTime Time interval between two consecutive scheduling runs.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOSerialAdjustmentOption Options for adjustment in serial controlled items.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOSerialCountOption Value that determines whether or not to include serial items when creating the count.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOSerialDetailOption Detail level of serial count, one for Quantity and Serial Numbers, two for Quantity Only.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOSerialDiscrepancyOption Value that determines whether or not to allow discrepancy when counting serial items.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOStartDate Date when the cycle count becomes active.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOUnscheduledCountEntry Value that determines whether or not the warehouse can use the cycle count to enter an unscheduled count.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOWorkdaySchedule Schedule associated with the count.
InvCycleCountHeaderPEOZeroCountFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then cycle counts should be requested for items with a system quantity of zero. If false, then cycle counts should not be requested for items with a system quantity of zero. The default value is false.