Cycle Counts

The Cycle Counts view object contains information to define, record, and approve cycle counts.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.CycleCountExtractPVO

Primary Keys : InvCycleCountClassPEOAbcClassId, InvCycleCountClassPEOCycleCountHeaderId, InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCycleCountEntryId, InvCycleCountItemPEOCycleCountHeaderId, InvCycleCountItemPEOInventoryItemId

Initial Extract Date : InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : InvCycleCountEntriesPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
InvCycleCountClassPEOAbcAssignmentGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the ABC group that the warehouse uses to initialize the item classification.
InvCycleCountClassPEOAbcClassId Value that uniquely identifies the ABC class that the item references.
InvCycleCountClassPEOApprovalToleranceNegative Negative percent that the warehouse allows the value to vary for each item that resides in this class.
InvCycleCountClassPEOApprovalTolerancePositive Positive percent that the warehouse allows the value to vary for each item that resides in this class.
InvCycleCountClassPEOCostToleranceNegative Negative currency tolerance below which an adjustment transaction requires explicit approval.
InvCycleCountClassPEOCostTolerancePositive Positive currency tolerance above which an adjustment transaction requires explicit approval.
InvCycleCountClassPEOCreatedBy User who created the row.
InvCycleCountClassPEOCreationDate Date and time when the user created the row.
InvCycleCountClassPEOCycleCountHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the cycle count definition.
InvCycleCountClassPEOHitMissToleranceNegative Negative percent tolerance that the warehouse uses for hit and miss analysis for this count class.
InvCycleCountClassPEOHitMissTolerancePositive Positive percent tolerance that the warehouse uses for hit and miss analysis for this count class.
InvCycleCountClassPEOJobDefinitionName Name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the row.
InvCycleCountClassPEOJobDefinitionPackage Package name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the row.
InvCycleCountClassPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the row.
InvCycleCountClassPEOLastUpdateLogin Login that the user used when updating the row.
InvCycleCountClassPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the row.
InvCycleCountClassPEONumCountsPerYear Number of counts that should be scheduled in a year for the items that fall into a specific class.
InvCycleCountClassPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
InvCycleCountClassPEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization.
InvCycleCountClassPEORequestId Value that uniquely identifies the request of the scheduled process that created or last updated the row.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOAdjustmentAmount Variance between the application on-hand amount and the entered count quantity of an item during physical counting.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOAdjustmentDate Date when the warehouse posted the adjustment transaction.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOAdjustmentQuantity Variance between the application on-hand quantity and the entered count quantity of an item during physical counting.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOApprovalDate Date when the count was reviewed and approved.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOApprovalType Type of approval for the cycle count. This attribute indicates whether the approval is always required or only when out of tolerance.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOApproverEmployeeId Value that uniquely identifies the employee who approved the adjustment.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOComments Comments that describe the current count.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCountDate Date when a cycle count is entered.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCountDueDate Date when the count is scheduled to be completed.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCountListSequence Sequence of a cycle count sequence on the count list.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCountQuantity Actual count quantity in the primary unit of measure of the item.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCountSecondaryUom Secondary unit of measure of the current count.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCountTypeCode Code that identifies the type of count.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCountUom Unit of measure of the item in which the physical count is recorded.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCountedByEmployeeId Value that uniquely identifies the employee who performed the current count.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCreatedBy User who created the row.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCreationDate Date and time when the user created the row.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCycleCountEntryId Value that uniquely identifies the cycle count sequence.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOCycleCountHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the cycle count definition.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOEntryStatusCode Code that indicates the current status of the count sequence.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOExportFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the warehouse exported the count sequence to the interface. If false, then the warehouse didn't export the count sequence to the interface. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOItemLotControlCode Code that identifies the inventory item lot control.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOItemRevisionQtyControlCode Code that identifies the inventory item revision quantity control.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOItemSerialControlCode Code that indicates whether or not to use the cycle count to count serial items.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOItemUnitCost Cost of the item per unit.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOJobDefinitionName Name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the row.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOJobDefinitionPackage Package name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the row.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the row.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOLastUpdateLogin Login that the user used when updating the row.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the row.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOLocatorId Value that uniquely identifies the locator.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOLotNumber Number that identifies the quantity of items that are produced together and that share the same production costs and specifications.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEONumberOfCounts Number of counts for each year that this class includes.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOOutermostLpnId Value that uniquely identifies the outermost license plate number (LPN) of the item.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOOwningEntityId Value that uniquely identifies the owning entity. If the item is consigned, then this attribute contains the supplier site identifier. If the item is owned, then this attribute contains the owning organization identifier.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOOwningType Contains one of the following values: 1 or 2. If 1, then the item is consigned. If 2, then the item is owned.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOParentLpnId Value that uniquely identifies the parent license plate number (LPN) of the item.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOPrimaryUomQuantity Count quantity expressed in the primary unit of measure.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEORequestId Value that uniquely identifies the enterprise scheduling service process.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEORevision Revision of the item.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOSecondaryAdjustmentQuantity Adjustment quantity that's required to make the secondary system quantity equal the secondary count quantity.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOSecondarySystemQty Secondary system quantity that existed during the current count.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOSecondaryUomQuantity Count quantity in the secondary unit of measure of the item.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOSerialDetail Value that indicates the detail level to use when counting serial items.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOSerialNumber Number that's assigned to identify a single piece that will never be repeated for similar pieces.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOStandardOperationId Value that uniquely identifies the operation transaction that generated the given inventory transaction.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOSubinventory Name of the subinventory that the warehouse includes in this count definition.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOSystemQuantity Value that indicates the quantity the application currently shows as the on-hand quantity of an item in the cycle count.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOTaskPriority Priority assigned to the task.
InvCycleCountEntriesPEOTransactionReasonId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction reason.
InvCycleCountItemPEOAbcClassId Value that uniquely identifies the ABC class that the item references.
InvCycleCountItemPEOApprovalToleranceNegative Negative percent that the warehouse allows the value to vary for each item that resides in this category.
InvCycleCountItemPEOApprovalTolerancePositive Positive percent that the warehouse allows the value to vary for each item that resides in this category.
InvCycleCountItemPEOCostToleranceNegative Negative currency tolerance above which an adjustment transaction requires explicit approval.
InvCycleCountItemPEOCostTolerancePositive Positive currency tolerance above which an adjustment transaction requires explicit approval.
InvCycleCountItemPEOCreatedBy User who created the row.
InvCycleCountItemPEOCreationDate Date and time when the user created the row.
InvCycleCountItemPEOCycleCountHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the cycle count definition.
InvCycleCountItemPEOIncludeInSchedule Value that indicates whether to include the item in generation of count schedules.
InvCycleCountItemPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
InvCycleCountItemPEOItemLastScheduleDate Date when the count was most recently scheduled to occur.
InvCycleCountItemPEOJobDefinitionName Name of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the row.
InvCycleCountItemPEOJobDefinitionPackage Package name of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the row.
InvCycleCountItemPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the row.
InvCycleCountItemPEOLastUpdateLogin Login that the user used when updating the row.
InvCycleCountItemPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the row.
InvCycleCountItemPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
InvCycleCountItemPEORequestId Value that uniquely identifies the enterprise scheduling service process.
InvCycleCountItemPEOScheduleOrder Order in which item are scheduled, relative to the schedule order of other items within the cycle count.