Inventory Locator Details

The Inventory Locator Details view object contains information about the inventory locators configured for an inventory subinventory.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.InventoryLocatorExtractPVO

Primary Keys : InvLocatorPEOInventoryLocationId

Initial Extract Date : InvLocatorPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : InvLocatorPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
InvLocatorPEOAlias Short alias for the locator.
InvLocatorPEOAvailabilityType Type of the subinventory availability.
InvLocatorPEOAvailableCubicArea Available cubic area of the locator.
InvLocatorPEOAvailableWeight Available weight capacity in the locator.
InvLocatorPEOCreatedBy User who created the inventory locator details row.
InvLocatorPEOCreationDate Date and time when the inventory locator details row was created.
InvLocatorPEOCurrentCubicArea Current volume of items in the locator.
InvLocatorPEOCurrentWeight Current weight of items in the locator
InvLocatorPEODepreciableFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the inventory in the subinventory is depreciable. If false, then the inventory in the subinventory isn't depreciable. The default value is false.
InvLocatorPEODescription Description of the locator.
InvLocatorPEODimensionUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure of the physical dimensions, such as, length, width, and height.
InvLocatorPEODisableDate Date when the locator is disabled.
InvLocatorPEODroppingOrder Dropping order used to sequence a drop operation.
InvLocatorPEOEmptyFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the locator has no material. If N, then material resides in locator. The default value is N.
InvLocatorPEOEnabledFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the locator segment combination is enabled. If false, then the locator segment combination isn't enabled. The default value is false.
InvLocatorPEOEndDateActive Date when the segment combination becomes inactive.
InvLocatorPEOInventoryAtpCode Code that indicates whether or not to include the inventory when calculating the inventory that's available to promise.
InvLocatorPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the item.
InvLocatorPEOInventoryLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory locator.
InvLocatorPEOInventoryLocationType Type of the inventory locator. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_LOCATOR_TYPES.
InvLocatorPEOJobDefinitionName Name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the inventory locator details row.
InvLocatorPEOJobDefinitionPackage Package name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the inventory locator details row.
InvLocatorPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the inventory locator details row was last updated.
InvLocatorPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who most recently updated the inventory locator details row.
InvLocatorPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the inventory locator details row.
InvLocatorPEOLocationAvailableUnits Remaining unit capacity in the locator.
InvLocatorPEOLocationCurrentUnits Current number of units or items in the locator.
InvLocatorPEOLocationHeight Height of the item locator.
InvLocatorPEOLocationLength Length of the item locator.
InvLocatorPEOLocationMaximumUnits Maximum number of units for the locator.
InvLocatorPEOLocationSuggestedUnits Suggested units to be put into the locator.
InvLocatorPEOLocationWeightUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure for the locator weight.
InvLocatorPEOLocationWidth Width of the item locator.
InvLocatorPEOLocatorStatus Status of the locator.
InvLocatorPEOMaxCubicArea Maximum cubic area of the locator.
InvLocatorPEOMaxWeight Maximum weight of the locator.
InvLocatorPEOMixedItemsFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then multiple items reside in the locator. If N, then locator is empty or contains a single item. The default value is N.
InvLocatorPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
InvLocatorPEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the organization.
InvLocatorPEOPhysicalLocationCode Code that identifies the physical location. This attribute is no longer used.
InvLocatorPEOPhysicalLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the physical inventory record.
InvLocatorPEOPickUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure in which items are stored or picked in the subinventory.
InvLocatorPEOPickingOrder Sequence to use when picking the item from the subinventory.
InvLocatorPEOProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the project.
InvLocatorPEORequestId Value that uniquely identifies the request of the scheduled process that created or last updated the row.
InvLocatorPEOReservableType Value that determines whether or not the warehouse can reserve the inventory in the subinventory.
InvLocatorPEOStartDateActive Date when the segment combination becomes active.
InvLocatorPEOStatusId Value that uniquely identifies the status.
InvLocatorPEOStructureInstanceNumber Number that identifies the locator structure.
InvLocatorPEOSubinventoryCode Code that identifies the subinventory.
InvLocatorPEOSubinventoryId Value that uniquely identifies the subinventory.
InvLocatorPEOSuggestedCubicArea Suggested volume to be put into the locator.
InvLocatorPEOSuggestedWeight Suggested weight to be put into the locator.
InvLocatorPEOSummaryFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the segment combination includes a summary segment. If false, then the segment combination doesn't include a summary segment. The default value is false.
InvLocatorPEOTaskId Value that uniquely identifies the project task.
InvLocatorPEOVolumeUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure for the locator volume.
InvLocatorPEOXCoordinate Value that indicates the X coordinate. This attribute is no longer used.
InvLocatorPEOYCoordinate Value that indicates the Y coordinate. This attribute is no longer used.
InvLocatorPEOZCoordinate Value that indicates the Z coordinate. This attribute is no longer used.