Inventory Transaction Lot Details

The Inventory Transaction Lot Details view object contains lot information corresponding to every material transaction for a lot controlled item.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.InvTransactionLotDetailExtractPVO

Primary Keys : InvTxnLotDetailPEOLotNumber, InvTxnLotDetailPEOTransactionId

Initial Extract Date : InvTxnLotDetailPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : InvTxnLotDetailPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAge Value that indicates age of the lot or the sublot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute1 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute10 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute11 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute12 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute13 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute14 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute15 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute16 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute17 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute18 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute19 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute2 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute20 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute3 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute4 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute5 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute6 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute7 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute8 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttribute9 Segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeCategory Context name for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeDate1 Date segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeDate2 Date segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeDate3 Date segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeDate4 Date segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeDate5 Date segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeNumber1 Number segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeNumber10 Number segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeNumber2 Number segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeNumber3 Number segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeNumber4 Number segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeNumber5 Number segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeNumber6 Number segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeNumber7 Number segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeNumber8 Number segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeNumber9 Number segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeTimestamp1 Date and time segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeTimestamp2 Date and time segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeTimestamp3 Date and time segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeTimestamp4 Date and time segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOAttributeTimestamp5 Date and time segment for the Maintain Lot Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOBestByDate Date on or before which the lot or sublot is best used.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute1 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute10 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute11 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute12 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute13 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute14 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute15 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute16 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute17 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute18 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute19 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute2 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute20 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute3 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute4 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute5 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute6 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute7 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute8 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCAttribute9 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOChangeDate Date when there is a change of the lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOColor Name of the color corresponding to a lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCreatedBy User who created the lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCreationDate Date and time when the user created the lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOCurlWrinkleFold Value that identifies the potential problems when feeding the paper through the machinery.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODAttribute1 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODAttribute10 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODAttribute2 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODAttribute3 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODAttribute4 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODAttribute5 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODAttribute6 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODAttribute7 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODAttribute8 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODAttribute9 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODateCode Code that identifies the date of packaging or assembly.
InvTxnLotDetailPEODescription Description of the lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOExpirationActionCode Code that indicates the expiration action.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOExpirationActionDate Date when the expiration action is initiated.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOGradeCode Code that indicates the grade of the item.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOHoldDate Date when the hold expires.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOItemSize Size of a given product determined by visual inspection.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the lot number.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who most recently updated the lot number.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOLengthUom Length unit of measure.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOLotAttributeCategory Context name for the Lot Attribute descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOLotLength Length dimension of the lot or sublot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOLotNumber Number that identifies the lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOLotThickness Thickness dimension of the lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOLotVolume Volume of the lot or sublot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOLotWidth Width dimension of the lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOMaturityDate Date when the item matures.
InvTxnLotDetailPEONAttribute1 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEONAttribute10 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEONAttribute2 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEONAttribute3 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEONAttribute4 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEONAttribute5 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEONAttribute6 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEONAttribute7 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEONAttribute8 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEONAttribute9 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOOriginationDate Date when the warehouse created the lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOOriginationType Value that identifies the module that created this lot. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_LOT_ORIGINATION_TYPE. The default value is Lot master.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOParentItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item of the parent lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOParentLotNumber Number that identifies the parent lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOParentObjectId Value that uniquely identifies the parent object. This is used for lot genealogy.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOParentObjectId2 Value that uniquely identifies the lot object for a serial and lot controlled item. This is used for lot genealogy.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOParentObjectNumber Number that identifies the parent object. This is used for lot genealogy.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOParentObjectNumber2 Number that identifies the lot object for a lot and serial controlled item. This is used for lot genealogy.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOParentObjectType Type of the parent object. This is used for lot genealogy.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOParentObjectType2 Type of the parent object for a lot and serial controlled item. This is used for lot genealogy.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOPlaceOfOrigin Value that identifies the place of origin of the lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOPrimaryQuantity Transaction quantity in terms of primary unit of measure for the item.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOProductCode Code that identifies the product name to identify the source transaction for the record.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOProductTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the source transaction for a product.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOReasonId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction reason.
InvTxnLotDetailPEORecycledContent Value that identifies the recycled content for a transaction.
InvTxnLotDetailPEORetestDate Date when the lot is retested.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOSecondaryTransactionQuantity Transaction quantity in terms of secondary unit of measure for the item.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOSerialTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the serial numbers that belong to this lot. This is applicable when transacting a lot and serial controlled item.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOStatusId Value that uniquely identifies the material status for this lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOSupplierLotNumber Number that identifies the supplier lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTAttribute1 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTAttribute2 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTAttribute3 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTAttribute4 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTAttribute5 Segment for the Lot Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTerritoryCode Value that represents the country of origin of the lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOThicknessUom Value that indicates the thickness unit of measure.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTransactionDate Date when the transaction is processed.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTransactionQuantity Quantity entered at transaction time.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTransactionSourceId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction source.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTransactionSourceName Name of the transaction source.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOTransactionSourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction source type name.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOVendorId Value that uniquely identifies the supplier that shipped this lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOVendorName Name of the supplier that shipped this lot.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOVolumeUom Value that indicates the volume unit of measure.
InvTxnLotDetailPEOWidthUom Value that indicates the width unit of measure.
UniqueDeviceIdentifier Value that uniquely identifies the device.