Inventory Subinventory Details

The Inventory Subinventory Details view object contains information about the inventory subinventories configured for an inventory organization.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.InventorySubinventoryExtractPVO

Primary Keys : InvSubinvPEOOrganizationId, InvSubinvPEOSecondaryInventoryName

Initial Extract Date : InvSubinvPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : InvSubinvPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
InvSubinvPEOAssetInventory Value that determines whether to consider the inventory in the subinventory as assets.
InvSubinvPEOAvailabilityType Type of subinventory availability.
InvSubinvPEOCartonizationFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then packaging in a carton occurs by default in this organization. If false, then packaging in a carton doesn't occur by default in this organization. The default value is false. This attribute is used only for warehouse management systems.
InvSubinvPEOCountMethod Method used for the PAR replenishment count.
InvSubinvPEOCreatedBy User who created the inventory subinventory details row.
InvSubinvPEOCreationDate Date and time when inventory subinventory details row was created.
InvSubinvPEODefaultCountTypeCode Code that indicates the type of replenishment count. Valid values include Order PAR, On-Hand Quantity, and Order Quantity. If this attribute isn't specified, the Default Replenishment Count Type specified for the subinventory will be used.
InvSubinvPEODefaultLocStatusId Value that uniquely identifies the default status for locators. This attribute is used only for warehouse management systems.
InvSubinvPEODemandClass Class to which the demand is associated.
InvSubinvPEODepreciableFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the inventory in the subinventory is depreciable. If false, then the inventory in the subinventory isn't depreciable. The default value is false.
InvSubinvPEODescription Description of the subinventory.
InvSubinvPEODisableDate Date when the subinventory is disabled.
InvSubinvPEODroppingOrder Dropping order used to sequence a drop operation.
InvSubinvPEOEnableBulkPick Value that indicates whether bulk pick is enabled.
InvSubinvPEOEnableLocatorAlias Value that indicates whether locator aliases are enabled for this subinventory.
InvSubinvPEOEnforceAliasUniqueness Value that indicates whether the locator alias should be unique or not in an organization.
InvSubinvPEOInventoryAtpCode Code that identifies whether or not to include the inventory when calculating the inventory that's available to promise.
InvSubinvPEOJobDefinitionName Name of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the inventory subinventory details row.
InvSubinvPEOJobDefinitionPackage Package name of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the inventory subinventory details row.
InvSubinvPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the inventory subinventory details row was last updated.
InvSubinvPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who most recently updated the inventory subinventory details row.
InvSubinvPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the inventory subinventory details row.
InvSubinvPEOLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the location.
InvSubinvPEOLocatorType Type of stock locator control that the subinventory uses.
InvSubinvPEOLpnControlledFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the subinventory is controlled by packing unit controlled. If false, then the subinventory isn't controlled by packing unit. The default value is false.
InvSubinvPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
InvSubinvPEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the organization.
InvSubinvPEOPickMethodology Value that indicates the pick methodology.
InvSubinvPEOPickUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure in which items are stored or picked in the subinventory
InvSubinvPEOPickingOrder Sequence to use when picking the item from the subinventory.
InvSubinvPEOPlanningLevel Value that indicates whether PAR-level planning enabled.
InvSubinvPEOPostprocessingLeadTime Postprocessing lead time to use when sourcing the item.
InvSubinvPEOPreprocessingLeadTime Preprocessing lead time to use when sourcing the item.
InvSubinvPEOProcessingLeadTime Processing lead time to use when sourcing the item.
InvSubinvPEOProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the project.
InvSubinvPEOQuantityTracked Value that determines whether or not to track the on-hand quantity for the item in the subinventory.
InvSubinvPEORequestId Value that uniquely identifies the request of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the inventory subinventory details row.
InvSubinvPEORequisitionApprovalType Type of approval status of the generated replenishment requisitions.
InvSubinvPEOReservableType Value that determines whether or not the warehouse can reserve the inventory in the subinventory.
InvSubinvPEOSecondaryInventoryName Name of the subinventory.
InvSubinvPEOSourceOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the organization to use when sourcing the item.
InvSubinvPEOSourceSubinventory Subinventory to use when sourcing the item.
InvSubinvPEOSourceType Type of sourcing to use when replenishing the item in the subinventory.
InvSubinvPEOStandardPackType Type of the standard pack.
InvSubinvPEOStatusId Value that uniquely identifies the status.
InvSubinvPEOStructureInstanceNumber Number that identifies the structure instance of the locator key field.
InvSubinvPEOSubinventoryGroup Name of the subinventory group.
InvSubinvPEOSubinventoryId Value that uniquely identifies the subinventory.
InvSubinvPEOSubinventoryType Type of the subinventory.
InvSubinvPEOSubinventoryUsage Value that specifies whether costs should be collected for this subinventory in the project manufacturing environment.
InvSubinvPEOTaskId Value that uniquely identifies the project task.