Inventory Serial Numbers

The Inventory Serial Numbers view object stores the definition of all serial numbers for serial controlled or lot and serial controlled items in Oracle Inventory Management Cloud. It contains the serial number information for a transaction.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.InvTransactionSerialDetailExtractPVO

Primary Keys : InvTxnSerialDetailPEOSerialNumber, InvTxnSerialDetailPEOInventoryItemId, InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTransactionId, InvTxnSerialDetailPEOOrganizationId

Initial Extract Date : InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : InvTxnSerialDetailPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute1 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute10 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute11 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute12 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute13 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute14 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute15 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute16 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute17 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute18 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute19 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute2 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute20 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute3 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute4 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute5 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute6 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute7 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute8 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttribute9 Segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeCategory Context name for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeDate1 Date segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeDate2 Date segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeDate3 Date segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeDate4 Date segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeDate5 Date segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeNumber1 Number segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeNumber10 Number segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeNumber2 Number segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeNumber3 Number segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeNumber4 Number segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeNumber5 Number segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeNumber6 Number segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeNumber7 Number segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeNumber8 Number segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeNumber9 Number segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeTimestamp1 Date and time segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeTimestamp2 Date and time segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeTimestamp3 Date and time segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeTimestamp4 Date and time segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOAttributeTimestamp5 Date and time segment for the Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute1 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute10 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute11 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute12 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute13 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute14 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute15 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute16 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute17 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute18 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute19 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute2 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute20 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute3 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute4 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute5 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute6 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute7 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute8 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCAttribute9 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCreatedBy User who created the serial number.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCreationDate Date and time when the user created the serial number.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCustomerId Value that uniquely identifies a customer.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCyclesSinceMark Number of cycles completed from the time a serial number is marked for an item in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCyclesSinceNew Number of cycles completed from the time a new item is created in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCyclesSinceOverhaul Number of cycles completed from the time an item is overhauled in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCyclesSinceRepair Number of cycles completed from the time an item is repaired in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOCyclesSinceVisit Number of cycles completed from the time an item is visited in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEODAttribute1 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEODAttribute10 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEODAttribute2 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEODAttribute3 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEODAttribute4 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEODAttribute5 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEODAttribute6 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEODAttribute7 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEODAttribute8 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEODAttribute9 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the serial number.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who most recently updated the serial number.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the serial number.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOLocatorId Value that uniquely identifies item locator.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEONAttribute1 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEONAttribute10 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEONAttribute2 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEONAttribute3 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEONAttribute4 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEONAttribute5 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEONAttribute6 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEONAttribute7 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEONAttribute8 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEONAttribute9 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEONumberOfRepairs Number of repairs of an item in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOOriginationDate Date when the warehouse created the serial number.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOParentItemId Value that uniquely identifies the parent item for kit or pick to order items.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOParentObjectId Value that uniquely identifies the parent object. This is used for serial genealogy.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOParentObjectId2 Value that uniquely identifies the lot object for a serial and lot controlled item. This is used for serial genealogy.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOParentObjectNumber Number that identifies the parent object. This is used for serial genealogy.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOParentObjectNumber2 Number that identifies the lot object for a lot and serial controlled item. This is used for serial genealogy.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOParentObjectType Type of the parent object. This is used for serial genealogy.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOParentObjectType2 Type of the parent object for a lot and serial controlled item. This is used for serial genealogy.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOProductCode Code that identifies the product name to identify the source transaction for the record.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOProductTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the source transaction for a product.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOReceiptIssueType Type of the last transaction for the serial. Valid values include 1 for issue and 2 for receipt.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOSerialAttributeCategory Context name for the Serial Attribute descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOSerialNumber Number that uniquely identifies a single piece that will never be repeated for similar pieces.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOShipId Value that uniquely identifies the shipment associated with the serial.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOStatusId Value that uniquely identifies the material status for the serial.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOSubinventoryCode Code that indicates the subinventory where the serial resides in or the subinventory from where the serial is issued.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTAttribute1 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTAttribute2 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTAttribute3 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTAttribute4 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTAttribute5 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTerritoryCode Code that identifies the country of origin of the serial.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTimeSinceMark Time as calculated from the time a serial number is marked for an item in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTimeSinceNew Time as calculated from the time an item is marked as new in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTimeSinceOverhaul Time as calculated from the time an item is marked for overhaul in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTimeSinceRepair Time as calculated from the time an item is marked for repair in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTimeSinceVisit Time as calculated from the time an item is visited in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTransactionDate Date when the transaction is processed.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTransactionSourceId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction source.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTransactionSourceName Name of the transaction source.
InvTxnSerialDetailPEOTransactionSourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction source type name.
UniqueDeviceIdentifier Value that uniquely identifies the device.