Inventory On-Hand Balances

The Inventory On-Hand Balances view object contains information on inventory on-hand balances for the items.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.InventoryOnhandExtractPVO

Primary Keys : InvOnhandQuantityPEOOnhandQuantitiesId

Initial Extract Date : InvOnhandQuantityPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : InvOnhandQuantityPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
InvOnhandQuantityPEOAgingExpirationDate Date when the material aging period has either expired or will expire in the future.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOAgingOnsetDate Date when the consigned inventory aging period starts.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOCountryOfOriginCode Code that identifies the country of origin of the material.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOCreateTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory transaction that created the on-hand quantity. The value for this attribute is generated by the application.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOCreatedBy User who created the on-hand balances row.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOCreationDate Date and time when the user created the on-hand balances row.
InvOnhandQuantityPEODateReceived Date and time when the user performed the transaction.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvReservedAttribute1 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvReservedAttribute2 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvStripingCategory Context name for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvUserDefAttribute1 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvUserDefAttribute10 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvUserDefAttribute2 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvUserDefAttribute3 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvUserDefAttribute4 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvUserDefAttribute5 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvUserDefAttribute6 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvUserDefAttribute7 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvUserDefAttribute8 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInvUserDefAttribute9 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the on-hand balances row.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who most recently updated the on-hand balances row.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the on-hand balances row.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOLocatorId Value that uniquely identifies the locator.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOLotNumber Quantity of items that are produced together and that share the same production costs and specifications.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOOnhandQuantitiesId Value that uniquely identifies the on-hand balances row. The value for this attribute is generated by the application.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the organization.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOOrigDateReceived Date and time when the consigned material was received as part of original deliver transaction.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOOrigSourceTxnId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction. This attribute is populated only for transactions involving consigned material with the original deliver transaction identifier in Oracle Receiving Cloud.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOOwningEntityId Value that uniquely identifies the owning party associated with the consigned inventory.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOOwningType Type of the owning party associated with the consigned inventory.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOPrimaryTransactionQuantity Quantity associated with the transaction in the primary unit of measure.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory project.
InvOnhandQuantityPEORevision Version of the item.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOSecondaryTransactionQuantity Quantity associated with the transaction in the secondary unit of measure.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOSecondaryUomCode Code that identifies the secondary unit of measure.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOSubinventoryCode Code that identifies the subinventory in the organization. Value references a physical area or a logical grouping of items, such as, a storeroom or receiving dock.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOTaskId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory task.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOTransactionQuantity Quantity of an item transacted in the transaction unit of measure.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOTransactionUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure associated with the transaction.
InvOnhandQuantityPEOUpdateTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory transaction that updated the on-hand quantity. The value for this attribute is generated by the application.