Inventory Reservations

The Inventory Reservations view object stores the reservation information. Each reservation record ties an item and organization combination with a demand source and a supply source. Demand source information comprises of demand source type, demand source header, demand source line, demand source name, demand project number, and demand task number. The possible values for the demand source type are Sales Order, Account, Account Alias, User defined, Shipment Request, and Work Order. Supply source information comprises of supply source type, supply source header, supply source line, supply source name, revision, lot number, serial number, subinventory, locator, supply project number, and supply task number. The possible values for the supply source type are Work Order, Purchase Order, Transfer Order, On-hand, and Requisition.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.InventoryReservationsExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ReservationId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ContainerLpnId Value that uniquely identifies the license plate number of the container.
CreatedBy User who created the reservation.
CreationDate Date and time when the user created the reservation.
CrossdockCriteriaId Value that uniquely identifies the cross-dock rule for the reservation.
CrossdockFlag Contains one of the following values: Y, N or Null. If Y, then the reservation is cross-docked. If N or Null, then the reservation isn't cross-docked. This attribute doesn't have default value.
DemandShipDate Date and time when the demand will be met.
DemandSourceDelivery Value that identifies the delivery for the demand sources.
DemandSourceHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the demand for the line item, such as, Sales Order Number and Work Order Number.
DemandSourceLineDetail Value that identifies the line associated with the demand document.
DemandSourceLineId Value that uniquely identifies the demand document line.
DemandSourceName Name of the demand document. This is applicable for the user-defined reservation.
DemandSourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the demand source for which reservation is created. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_RESERVATION_SOURCE_TYPES.
DetailedQuantity Quantity for which the reservation is detailed.
ExceptionCode Code that indicates the exception for cross-docked reservations.
InventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
JobDefinitionName Name of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the reservation.
JobDefinitionPackage Package name of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the reservation.
LastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the reservation.
LastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who most recently updated the reservation.
LastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the reservation.
LocatorId Value that uniquely identifies item locator.
LotNumber Number that identifies the original lot.
LpnId Value that uniquely identifies the license plate number.
NColumn1 Value that identifies the reservation details for a demand. This is used for synchronization purposes.
ObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
OrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization.
OrigDemandSourceHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the original demand header of the reservation.
OrigDemandSourceLineDetail Value that identifies the delivery line detail for the original demand line for the reservation.
OrigDemandSourceLineId Value that uniquely identifies the original demand line for the reservation.
OrigDemandSourceLineNumber Number that identifies the original demand line for the reservation.
OrigDemandSourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the original demand source for the reservation.
OrigSupplySourceHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the original supply header for the reservation.
OrigSupplySourceLineDetail Value that identifies the supply line corresponding to the supply header for the reservation.
OrigSupplySourceLineId Value that uniquely identifies the original supply line corresponding to the supply header for the reservation.
OrigSupplySourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the original demand source for which reservation is created. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_CHOOSE_SUPPLY_DOCUMENT.
PrimaryReservationQuantity Quantity reserved for an item in its primary unit of measure.
PrimaryUomCode Code that identifies the primary unit of measure of an item.
ProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the project associated with the supply document number for a reservation.
RequestId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction request. This value is generated by the application.
RequirementDate Date when the reservation is required.
ReservationId Value that uniquely identifies the reservation information associated with a demand document.
ReservationQuantity Quantity reserved in the primary unit of measure.
ReservationUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure for a reservation.
Revision Value that identifies the revision of an item.
SalesOrderLineNumber Number that identifies the sales order line. This is applicable for a sales order demand.
SalesOrderShipmentNumber Number that identifies the sales order line corresponding to the reservation.
SecondaryDetailedQuantity Quantity detailed in secondary unit of measure.
SecondaryReservationQuantity Reservation quantity displayed in its secondary unit of measure.
SecondaryUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure that doesn't have a fixed conversion from the primary unit of measure. The dual unit of measure record keeping enables industries to maintain and use inventory in both quantity and weight units of measure or volume and length units of measure.
SerialReservationQuantity Reservation quantity that indicates the serial number reserved to a demand.
ShipReadyFlag Contains one of the following values: 1 or 2. If 1, then the reserved quantity is ready to be shipped. If 2, then the reserved quantity isn't ready to be shipped. This attribute doesn't have default value.
ShipToPartyId Value that uniquely identifies the type of third party, such as person or an organization.
SourceFulfillmentLineId Value that uniquely identifies the fulfillment line with a fulfillment order line.
SourceLineNumber Number that identifies the originating sales order line.
SourceShipmentNumber Number that identifies the internal fulfillment source.
StagedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the material is staged. If N, then the material isn't staged. This attribute doesn't have default value.
SubinventoryCode Code that identifies the subinventory for the reservation.
SupplyReceiptDate Date when the supply is expected to be received.
SupplySourceHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the supply document.
SupplySourceLineDetail Line detail associated with the supply document.
SupplySourceLineId Value that uniquely identifies the supply document line.
SupplySourceName Name of the supply source.
SupplySourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the type of the supply source. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_RESERVATION_SUPPLY_SRC_TYP.
TaskId Value that uniquely identifies the task associated with the supply document number for a reservation.