Item Supply Details

The Item Supply Details view object stores incoming supply information for an organization. It includes purchase orders and advanced shipment notices created by suppliers, in-transit shipments, and transfer orders for an interorganization or intraorganization transfer. The Item Supply Details view object specifies where the supply is present as indicated by the supply type attribute.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.InventorySupplyExtractPVO

Primary Keys : InventorySupplyPEOSupplySourceId, InventorySupplyPEOSupplyTypeCode

Initial Extract Date : InventorySupplyPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : InventorySupplyPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
InventorySupplyPEOCategoryId Value that uniquely identifies the item category.
InventorySupplyPEOChangeFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the records are marked to be processed by the Supply Update function. If N, then the records aren't marked to be processed by the Supply Update function. The default value is null.
InventorySupplyPEOChangeType Type of change to ignore for material requirements planning.
InventorySupplyPEOCostGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the cost group to which inventory belongs.
InventorySupplyPEOCreatedBy User who created the record.
InventorySupplyPEOCreationDate Date and time when the user created the record.
InventorySupplyPEODestinationTypeCode Code that indicates the destination type. Valid values are work order or inventory.
InventorySupplyPEOExpectedDeliveryDate Date when the purchased items are expected to be delivered. The postprocessing lead time is added to the receipt date to get the expected delivery date.
InventorySupplyPEOFromOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the sending organization for interorganization shipment.
InventorySupplyPEOFromSubinventory Subinventory that's sending the interorganization shipment.
InventorySupplyPEOIntransitOwningOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the owner organization for interorganization shipment.
InventorySupplyPEOItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
InventorySupplyPEOItemRevision Number of times the item has been revised.
InventorySupplyPEOJobDefinitionName Name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the supply record.
InventorySupplyPEOJobDefinitionPackage Name of the package of the scheduled process that created or last updated the supply record.
InventorySupplyPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the supply record.
InventorySupplyPEOLastUpdateLogin Login that the user used when updating the supply record.
InventorySupplyPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the supply record.
InventorySupplyPEOLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order line location.
InventorySupplyPEOMrpDestinationTypeCode Code that indicates the current destination type for the material requirement planning. The destination type code remains as INVENTORY when a requisition is created and converted to a purchase order.
InventorySupplyPEOMrpExpectedDeliveryDate Date when the material requirement planning is expected to be delivered.
InventorySupplyPEOMrpPrimaryQuantity Processed quantity of material requirement planning in terms of primary unit of measure of item in the destination organization.
InventorySupplyPEOMrpPrimaryUom Primary unit of measure of material requirement planning processed for an item in destination organization.
InventorySupplyPEOMrpToOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the current destination organization of material requirement planning. The destination organization can be changed before the receipt.
InventorySupplyPEOMrpToSubinventory Destination subinventory of material requirement planning. The destination subinventory can be changed until the delivery is made.
InventorySupplyPEONeedByDate Date when the inventory is originally needed.
InventorySupplyPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
InventorySupplyPEOPoDistributionId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order distribution number.
InventorySupplyPEOPoHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order header.
InventorySupplyPEOPoLineId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order line.
InventorySupplyPEOPoLineLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order line location.
InventorySupplyPEOQuantity Quantity of the item associated with the inbound documents.
InventorySupplyPEORcvTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the receiving transaction.
InventorySupplyPEOReceiptDate Date when the inventory is expected or actually received depending on the supply type.
InventorySupplyPEOReqHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the requisition.
InventorySupplyPEOReqLineId Value that uniquely identifies the requisition line.
InventorySupplyPEORequestId Value that uniquely identifies the request of the scheduled process that created or last updated the supply record.
InventorySupplyPEOShipmentHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the shipment.
InventorySupplyPEOShipmentLineId Value that uniquely identifies the shipment line.
InventorySupplyPEOSupplySourceId Value that uniquely identifies the supply source to identify the requisition, purchase order, shipment, or receiving transaction depending on SUPPLY_TYPE_CODE.
InventorySupplyPEOSupplyTypeCode Code that indicates the supply type. Values include Purchase Order, Receiving, Shipment, Requisition, and Transfer Order.
InventorySupplyPEOToOrgPrimaryQuantity Supply quantity in terms of primary unit of measure of item in destination organization.
InventorySupplyPEOToOrgPrimaryUomCode Code that indicates the primary unit of measure of the item in destination organization.
InventorySupplyPEOToOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the destination organization.
InventorySupplyPEOToSubinventory Name of the destination subinventory.
InventorySupplyPEOTransferOrderHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the transfer order header.
InventorySupplyPEOTransferOrderLineId Value that uniquely identifies the transfer order line.
InventorySupplyPEOUomCode Code that indicates the unit of measure for the actual supply quantity.
OrgParameterPEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the organization.