Packing Units

The Packing Units view object contains information for packing units.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.PackingUnitExtractPVO

Primary Keys :

Initial Extract Date : PackingUnitPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : PackingUnitPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
PackingUnitPEOAttribute1 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute10 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute11 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute12 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute13 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute14 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute15 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute16 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute17 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute18 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute19 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute2 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute20 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute3 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute4 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute5 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute6 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute7 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute8 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttribute9 Segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeCategory Context name for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeDate1 Date segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeDate2 Date segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeDate3 Date segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeDate4 Date segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeDate5 Date segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeNumber1 Number segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeNumber10 Number segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeNumber2 Number segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeNumber3 Number segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeNumber4 Number segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeNumber5 Number segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeNumber6 Number segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeNumber7 Number segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeNumber8 Number segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeNumber9 Number segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeTimestamp1 Date and time segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeTimestamp2 Date and time segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeTimestamp3 Date and time segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeTimestamp4 Date and time segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOAttributeTimestamp5 Date and time segment for the Packing Unit descriptive flexfield.
PackingUnitPEOBatchId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit batch.
PackingUnitPEOCarrierId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit carrier.
PackingUnitPEOContainerTypeCode Code that identifies the packing unit container type.
PackingUnitPEOContainerVolume Value that identifies the packing unit container volume.
PackingUnitPEOContainerVolumeUom Value that identifies the packing unit container volume UOM.
PackingUnitPEOContentVolume Value that identifies the packing unit content volume.
PackingUnitPEOContentVolumeUomCode Code that identifies the packing unit content volume UOM.
PackingUnitPEOCreatedBy User that created the packing unit.
PackingUnitPEOCreationDate Date the packing unit was created.
PackingUnitPEODeliveryId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit delivery.
PackingUnitPEOEarliestDropoffDate Value that identifies the packing unit earliest drop off date.
PackingUnitPEOEarliestPickupDate Value that identifies the packing unit earliest pick up date.
PackingUnitPEOFillPercent Value that identifies the packing unit fill percentage.
PackingUnitPEOFilledVolume Value that identifies the packing unit filled volume.
PackingUnitPEOFobCode Value that identifies the packing unit freight on board code.
PackingUnitPEOFreightTermsCode Code that identifies the packing unit freight terms.
PackingUnitPEOGrossWeight Value that identifies the gross weight.
PackingUnitPEOGrossWeightUomCode Code that identifies the gross weight UOM.
PackingUnitPEOHomogeneousContainer Value that identifies the packing unit homogeneous container.
PackingUnitPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit inventory item.
PackingUnitPEOJobDefinitionName Name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the packing unit.
PackingUnitPEOJobDefinitionPackage Package name of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the packing unit.
PackingUnitPEOLastUpdateDate Date the packing unit was most recently updated.
PackingUnitPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who most recently updated the packing unit.
PackingUnitPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the packing unit.
PackingUnitPEOLatestDropoffDate Date of latest drop off of the packing unit.
PackingUnitPEOLatestPickupDate Date of latest pickup of the packing unit.
PackingUnitPEOLicensePlateNumber Value that identifies the packing unit license plate number.
PackingUnitPEOLocatorId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit locator.
PackingUnitPEOLotNumber Value that identifies the packing unit lot number.
PackingUnitPEOLpnContext Value that identifies the packing unit license plate number context.
PackingUnitPEOLpnId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit license plate number.
PackingUnitPEOLpnReusability Value that identifies the packing unit license plate number reusability.
PackingUnitPEOMasterSerialNumber Value that identifies the packing unit master serial number.
PackingUnitPEOMaximumLoadWeight Value that identifies the packing unit maximum load weight.
PackingUnitPEOMaximumVolume Value that identifies the packing unit maximum volume.
PackingUnitPEOMinimumFillPercent Value that identifies the packing unit minimum fill percentage.
PackingUnitPEOModeOfTransport Value that identifies the packing unit mode of transport.
PackingUnitPEONetWeight Value that identifies the packing unit net weight.
PackingUnitPEONetWeightUomCode Code that identifies the packing unit net weight UOM.
PackingUnitPEOObjectVersionNumber Value that identifies the packing unit object version number.
PackingUnitPEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit organization.
PackingUnitPEOOutermostLpnId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit outermost license plate number.
PackingUnitPEOOutsourcerPartyId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit outsource party.
PackingUnitPEOPackingInstructions Value that identifies the packing unit packing instructions.
PackingUnitPEOParentLpnId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit parent license plate number.
PackingUnitPEORequestId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit request.
PackingUnitPEORevision Value that identifies the packing unit revision.
PackingUnitPEOSealCode Value that identifies the packing seal code.
PackingUnitPEOSealedStatus Value that identifies the packing sealed status.
PackingUnitPEOSerialNumber Value that identifies the packing serial number.
PackingUnitPEOServiceLevel Value that identifies the packing service level.
PackingUnitPEOShipFromLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit ship from location.
PackingUnitPEOShipMethodCode Code that identifies the packing unit ship method.
PackingUnitPEOShipToLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit ship to location.
PackingUnitPEOShipToLocationType Value that identifies the packing unit ship to location type.
PackingUnitPEOShipToPartyId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit ship to party.
PackingUnitPEOShippingInstructions Value that identifies the packing unit shipping instructions.
PackingUnitPEOSoldToPartyId Value that identifies the packing unit sold to party.
PackingUnitPEOSourceHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit source header.
PackingUnitPEOSourceLineDetailId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit source line detail.
PackingUnitPEOSourceLineId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit source line.
PackingUnitPEOSourceName Value that identifies the packing unit source name.
PackingUnitPEOSourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit source type.
PackingUnitPEOStatusId Value that uniquely identifies the packing unit status.
PackingUnitPEOSubinventoryCode Code that identifies the packing unit subinventory.
PackingUnitPEOTareWeight Value that identifies the packing unit tare weight.
PackingUnitPEOTareWeightUomCode Code that identifies the packing unit weight UOM.
PackingUnitPEOTpShipmentNumber Value that identifies the packing unit shipment number.
PackingUnitPEOTrackingNumber Value that identifies the packing unit tracking number.
PackingUnitPEOUnitVolume Value that identifies the packing unit volume.
PackingUnitPEOUnitWeight Value that identifies the unit weight of the packing unit license plate number.
PackingUnitPEOWvFrozenFlag Value that identifies the packing unit frozen option.