Transfer Order Distributions

The Transfer Order Distributions view object contains information for the transfer order distribution.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.TransferOrderDistributionExtractPVO

Primary Keys : TODistPEODistributionId

Initial Extract Date : TODistPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : TODistPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
TODistPEOBudgetDate Date when the budget period is derived from which budget is consumed.
TODistPEOCodeCombinationId Value that uniquely identifies the combination for the charge account.
TODistPEOCreatedBy User who created the transfer order distribution record.
TODistPEOCreationDate Date and time when the transfer order distribution record was created.
TODistPEODeliveredQty Quantity that has been delivered.
TODistPEODistributionAmount Value of the total transfer order line according to the unit price distributed to the distribution line.
TODistPEODistributionId Value that uniquely identifies the transfer order distribution.
TODistPEODistributionNumber Number that identifies the transfer order distribution.
TODistPEODistributionQty Quantity of the item ordered for the distribution.
TODistPEOFundsStatus Status of the distribution for the budgetary control funds.
TODistPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the transfer order distribution record.
TODistPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who most recently updated the transfer order distribution record.
TODistPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the transfer order distribution record.
TODistPEOLineId Value that uniquely identifies the transfer order line.
TODistPEONonrecoverableTax Amount of tax that's not recoverable.
TODistPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
TODistPEOPercent Percent that the ordered quantity constitutes of the line that the application applies to the distribution line during an order line split.
TODistPEOPjcBillableFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then a project-related item is available to be billed to customers. If false, then a project-related item isn't available to be billed to customers. This attribute doesn't have a default value, but a value of null translates to false.
TODistPEOPjcCapitalizableFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then a project-related item is eligible for capitalization. If false, then a project-related item isn't eligible for capitalization. This attribute doesn't have a default value, but a value of null translates to false.
TODistPEOPjcContextCategory Context name for the Project descriptive flexfield.
TODistPEOPjcContractId Value that uniquely identifies the contract. This attribute is used when Oracle Project Contract Billing Cloud or Oracle Grants Management Cloud is installed.
TODistPEOPjcContractLineId Value that uniquely identifies the contract line. This attribute is used when Oracle Project Contract Billing Cloud or Oracle Grants Management Cloud is installed.
TODistPEOPjcExpenditureItemDate Date when the project-related transaction is incurred.
TODistPEOPjcExpenditureTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the expenditure type used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
TODistPEOPjcFundingAllocationId Value that uniquely identifies the name of the project funding override. This attribute is used when Oracle Project Contract Billing Cloud or Oracle Grants Management Cloud is installed.
TODistPEOPjcOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the expenditure organization used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
TODistPEOPjcProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the project used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
TODistPEOPjcTaskId Value that uniquely identifies the task used to build the transaction descriptive flexfield for project-related transaction distributions.
TODistPEOPjcWorkTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the project-related classification of the work performed.
TODistPEOPrimaryLedgerId Value that uniquely identifies the primary ledger.
TODistPEORecoverableTax Amount of the recoverable tax.
TODistPEOReqBuId Value that uniquely identifies the requisition business unit.
TODistPEOReqDistributionId Value that uniquely identifies the requisition distribution.