Inventory Material Transaction Details

The Inventory Material Transaction Details view object contains records of every material transaction or cost update performed in inventory. The records are inserted either through the transaction process or by the standard cost update program.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.InventoryTransactionDetailExtractPVO

Primary Keys : InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionId

Initial Extract Date : InventoryTransactionPEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : InventoryTransactionPEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
InventoryTransactionPEOAcctPeriodId Value that identifies an accounting period.
InventoryTransactionPEOActualCost Actual cost of the item.
InventoryTransactionPEOAgingExpirationDate Date when the consigned inventory aging period ends.
InventoryTransactionPEOAgingOnsetDate Date when the consigned inventory aging period begins.
InventoryTransactionPEOAssemblySerialNumber Serial number of the parent assembly item that the inventory transaction was transacted against on a work order where serial tracking is used.
InventoryTransactionPEOAssessableValue Deemed price at which a product is valued by a tax authority for a given tax. This attribute is used for tax calculation.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute1 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute10 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute11 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute12 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute13 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute14 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute15 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute16 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute17 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute18 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute19 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute2 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute20 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute3 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute4 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute5 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute6 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute7 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute8 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttribute9 Segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeCategory Context name for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeDate1 Date segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeDate2 Date segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeDate3 Date segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeDate4 Date segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeDate5 Date segment for the Transaction History descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeNumber1 Number segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeNumber10 Number segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeNumber2 Number segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeNumber3 Number segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeNumber4 Number segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeNumber5 Number segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeNumber6 Number segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeNumber7 Number segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeNumber8 Number segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeNumber9 Number segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeTimestamp1 Date and time segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeTimestamp2 Date and time segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeTimestamp3 Date and time segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeTimestamp4 Date and time segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOAttributeTimestamp5 Date and time segment for the Inventory Transaction descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOBuildBreakToUom Code that identifies the unit of measure for build break to.
InventoryTransactionPEOCategoryId Value that uniquely identifies the item category.
InventoryTransactionPEOCogsRecognitionPercent Percent of cost of goods sold recognition.
InventoryTransactionPEOCommonBomSeqId Value that uniquely identifies the common bill.
InventoryTransactionPEOCommonRoutingSeqId Value that uniquely identifies the common routing.
InventoryTransactionPEOCompletionTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the completion transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOConsErrorActionCode Code that identifies the error action associated with the consigned inventory-related transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOConsErrorTypeCode Code that identifies the error associated with the consigned inventory-related transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOConsignmentSourceTxnId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction. This attribute is populated only for transactions involving consigned material with the original deliver transaction identifier in Oracle Receiving Cloud.
InventoryTransactionPEOConsumptionLineId Value that uniquely identifies the line associated with the consumption advice.
InventoryTransactionPEOConsumptionUnitPrice Unit price associated with the consumed item.
InventoryTransactionPEOContentLpnId Value that uniquely identifies the license plate number. This attribute is used by only by the warehouse management system.
InventoryTransactionPEOCostCategoryId Value that uniquely identifies the cost category.
InventoryTransactionPEOCostGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the cost group.
InventoryTransactionPEOCostTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the cost type.
InventoryTransactionPEOCostUpdateId Value that uniquely identifies the cost update.
InventoryTransactionPEOCostedFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the transactions are costed. If false, then the transactions aren't costed. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
InventoryTransactionPEOCountryOfOriginCode Code that identifies the country of origin associated to the inventory transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOCreatedBy User who created the record.
InventoryTransactionPEOCreationDate Date and time when the user created the record.
InventoryTransactionPEOCseInterfaceStatusCode Contains one of the following values: Y or Null. If Y, then transaction has been interfaced to asset lifecycle management. If Null, then the transaction is pending to be interfaced to asset lifecycle management. The default value is Null.
InventoryTransactionPEOCurrencyCode Three-letter ISO code that identifies the currency.
InventoryTransactionPEOCurrencyConversionDate Date when the currency conversion occurred.
InventoryTransactionPEOCurrencyConversionRate Rate at which the currency conversion occurred.
InventoryTransactionPEOCurrencyConversionType Type of currency conversion.
InventoryTransactionPEOCycleCountId Value that uniquely identifies the cycle count.
InventoryTransactionPEODefaultTaxationCountry Code that identifies the proposed default taxation country.
InventoryTransactionPEODepartmentCode Code that indicates the department.
InventoryTransactionPEODepartmentId Value that uniquely identifies the department associated with the work center used for costing purpose.
InventoryTransactionPEODepreciableFlag Contains one of the following values: 1 or 2. If 1, then transaction item that doesn't depreciate in value. If 2, then transaction item depreciates in value. The default value is 2.
InventoryTransactionPEODistributionAccountId Value that uniquely identifies the distribution account.
InventoryTransactionPEODocumentSubType Type of document fiscal classification. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOERecordId Value that uniquely identifies the electronic signature.
InventoryTransactionPEOEmployeeCode Name of the employee who requested the transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOEncumbranceAccount Value that identifies the encumbrance account for the purchase order transactions.
InventoryTransactionPEOEncumbranceAmount Value of the total encumbrance amount.
InventoryTransactionPEOErrorCode Code that identifies the error returned by the transaction manager.
InventoryTransactionPEOErrorConsHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the consumption advice where the transaction failed to group the consumption advice lines.
InventoryTransactionPEOErrorExplanation Text that describes the error explanation.
InventoryTransactionPEOExemptCertificateNumber Number that identifies the tax exemption certificate. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOExemptReasonCode Code the identifies the tax exemption reason. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOExpenseAccountId Value that uniquely identifies the expense account.
InventoryTransactionPEOExternalSysTxnReference Value that stores the link to the transaction references passed by external warehouse management system or third-party logistics application.
InventoryTransactionPEOExternalSystemPackingUnit Value that identifies the license plate number of the external or third party warehouse management system.
InventoryTransactionPEOFinalCompletionFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N or Null. If Y, then the job costs must be flushed out for this job completion. If N, then the job costs must not be flushed out for this job completion. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
InventoryTransactionPEOFinalDischargeLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the final discharge location. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOFirstPtyRegId Value that uniquely identifies the first party registration for the transaction. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOFlowSchedule Value that specifies whether the work in progress transaction is a flow or schedule type transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOFobPoint Abbreviation that indicates free on board. This attribute indicates the ownership of the goods in transit. This defines the behavior for transactions that involve two organizations.
InventoryTransactionPEOFreightCode Code that identifies the freight.
InventoryTransactionPEOFromGradeCode Code that identifies the grade for the movement request line.
InventoryTransactionPEOFromProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the originating project.
InventoryTransactionPEOFromTaskId Value that uniquely identifies the source task.
InventoryTransactionPEOIntendedUseClassifId Value that uniquely identifies the intended use classification. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOIntercompanyCost Value that indicates the intercompany cost.
InventoryTransactionPEOIntercompanyCurrencyCode Code that identifies the currency of intercompany cost.
InventoryTransactionPEOIntercompanyPricingOption Value that identifies the intercompany pricing option.
InventoryTransactionPEOIntransitAccount In transit account associated with the in transit inventory organization.
InventoryTransactionPEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
InventoryTransactionPEOInvoicedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y, or N, or Null. If Y, then the invoice is created for the transaction. If N, then the invoice isn't created for the transaction. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
InventoryTransactionPEOJobDefinitionName Name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the row.
InventoryTransactionPEOJobDefinitionPackage Package name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the row.
InventoryTransactionPEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the row.
InventoryTransactionPEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who most recently updated the row.
InventoryTransactionPEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the row.
InventoryTransactionPEOLicensePlateNumber Number that identifies the packing unit. This attribute provides the license plate number.
InventoryTransactionPEOLocationType Type of location that qualifies the ship to location.
InventoryTransactionPEOLocatorId Value that uniquely identifies item locator.
InventoryTransactionPEOLogicalTransaction Value that identifies the logical location.
InventoryTransactionPEOLogicalTransactionsCreated Value that identifies the deferred transactions.
InventoryTransactionPEOLogicalTrxTypeCode Code that identifies the logical transaction type.
InventoryTransactionPEOLpnId Value that uniquely identifies the license plate number. This attribute is used only by the warehouse management system.
InventoryTransactionPEOManualReceiptExpense Value that indicates if a manual receipt is required at the expense destination. Valid values are Y or N.
InventoryTransactionPEOMasterScheduleUpdateCode Code that identifies the master schedule update.
InventoryTransactionPEOMaterialAccount Value that specifies the material account.
InventoryTransactionPEOMaterialOverheadAccount Value that specifies the material overhead account.
InventoryTransactionPEOMoveOrderLineId Value that uniquely identifies the move order line associated with the transaction line.
InventoryTransactionPEOMoveTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the move transaction. Currently, redundant for Oracle Manufacturing Cloud transactions are no longer needed for Costing.
InventoryTransactionPEOMovementId Value that uniquely identifies the movement statistics cross reference.
InventoryTransactionPEOMvtStatStatus Value that indicates whether the transaction is updated, processed, or new.
InventoryTransactionPEONewCost Cost of the item after transaction processing.
InventoryTransactionPEONumberOfContainers Count of the packing units.
InventoryTransactionPEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
InventoryTransactionPEOOperationSeqNum Number that identifies the operation sequence that the work order is at when the inventory transaction is generated.
InventoryTransactionPEOOperationSeqNumberId Value that uniquely identifies the operation sequence.
InventoryTransactionPEOOperationTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the operation transaction. This attribute is system-generated, which is the source activity behind the generation of the inventory transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOOpmCostedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or Null. If Y, the transaction is costed. If Null, then the transaction isn't costed. The default value is Null.
InventoryTransactionPEOOrgCostGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the cost group associated with an inventory organization.
InventoryTransactionPEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization.
InventoryTransactionPEOOrganizationType Type of organization. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type EGP_TP_TYPES.
InventoryTransactionPEOOrigLocatorId Value that uniquely identifies the original locator.
InventoryTransactionPEOOrigLotNumber Number that identifies the original lot.
InventoryTransactionPEOOrigSubinventoryCode Code that identifies the original subinventory.
InventoryTransactionPEOOrigTransactionQuantity Quantity in the original transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOOriginalShipmentTxnId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory transaction. This attribute is for the shipment from the originating transfer order. The attribute is applicable for the transfer order return cases.
InventoryTransactionPEOOriginalTransactionTempId Value that temporarily identifies the original transaction. This attribute is required for electronic records.
InventoryTransactionPEOOutsideProcessingAccount Account to be charged for outside processing.
InventoryTransactionPEOOvercompletionPrimaryQty Primary quantity for overcompletion.
InventoryTransactionPEOOvercompletionTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the overcompletion transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOOvercompletionTransactionQty Transaction quantity for overcompletion.
InventoryTransactionPEOOverheadAccount Value that identifies the overhead account.
InventoryTransactionPEOOwnershipChangeTxnId Value that uniquely identifies the transfer to owned transaction with which the transfer to consigned record is associated.
InventoryTransactionPEOOwningOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the owning organization or entity.
InventoryTransactionPEOOwningTpType Type of supplier site or the inventory organization based on the owning type. Contains one of the following values: 1 or 2. If 1, then the material transacted is consigned to supplier. If 2, then the material is owned by the organization. This attribute doesn't have default value.
InventoryTransactionPEOParentTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the parent transaction for a transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOPercentageChange Percent change used for average cost update.
InventoryTransactionPEOPeriodicPrimaryQuantity Transaction quantity converted to primary unit of measure of the transfer organization in case of periodic costing.
InventoryTransactionPEOPhysicalAdjustmentId Value that uniquely identifies the physical adjustment.
InventoryTransactionPEOPickRuleId Value that uniquely identifies the warehouse management system rule used for picking.
InventoryTransactionPEOPickSlipDate Date when the pick slip is created.
InventoryTransactionPEOPickSlipLineNumber Number that identifies the pick slip line for the transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOPickSlipNumber Number that identifies the pick slip for the transaction line.
InventoryTransactionPEOPickStrategyId Value that uniquely identifies the warehouse management system strategy used for picking. This attribute is used only by the warehouse management system.
InventoryTransactionPEOPickingLineId Value that uniquely identifies the picking line.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcBillableFlag Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcCapitalizableFlag Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcContextCategory Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcContractId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcContractLineId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcExpenditureItemDate Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcExpenditureTypeId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcFundingAllocationId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcOrganizationId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcProjectId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcReservedAttribute1 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcReservedAttribute10 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcReservedAttribute2 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcReservedAttribute3 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcReservedAttribute4 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcReservedAttribute5 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcReservedAttribute6 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcReservedAttribute7 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcReservedAttribute8 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcReservedAttribute9 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcTaskId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcUserDefAttribute1 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcUserDefAttribute10 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcUserDefAttribute2 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcUserDefAttribute3 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcUserDefAttribute4 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcUserDefAttribute5 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcUserDefAttribute6 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcUserDefAttribute7 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcUserDefAttribute8 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcUserDefAttribute9 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPjcWorkTypeId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
InventoryTransactionPEOPlanningOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the planning organization.
InventoryTransactionPEOPlanningTpType Type of planning trading partner.
InventoryTransactionPEOPmCostCollected Value that indicates whether costs will be collected for project references within the organization or not. Valid values include N, E, or Null. E indicates error records.
InventoryTransactionPEOPmCostCollectorGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the group used by cost collector to process a group of records.
InventoryTransactionPEOPrimaryQuantity Transaction quantity in terms of primary unit of measure for the item.
InventoryTransactionPEOPriorCost Item cost before the transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOPriorCostedQuantity Costed quantity before this transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOProductCategory Value that identifies the product category code for the transaction. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOProductType Type of product code for the inventory item. Valid values are GOODS and SERVICES. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the project used to strip inventory transactions.
InventoryTransactionPEOPutAwayRuleId Value that uniquely identifies the put away rule. This attribute is used only by the warehouse management system.
InventoryTransactionPEOPutAwayStrategyId Value that uniquely identifies the put away strategy. This attribute is used only by the warehouse management system.
InventoryTransactionPEOQaCollectionId Value that uniquely identifies the quality results.
InventoryTransactionPEOQuantityAdjusted Quantity adjusted for the standard cost.
InventoryTransactionPEORcvTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the receiving transaction cross reference.
InventoryTransactionPEOReasonId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction reason.
InventoryTransactionPEOReceivingDocument Value that indicates the receiving document.
InventoryTransactionPEORepetitiveLineId Value that uniquely identifies the repetitive line.
InventoryTransactionPEORequestId Value that uniquely identifies the request of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the row.
InventoryTransactionPEOReservationId Value that uniquely identifies the reservation.
InventoryTransactionPEOResourceAccount Value that identifies the resource.
InventoryTransactionPEORevision Revision of the item if the item is under revision control.
InventoryTransactionPEORmaLineId Value that uniquely identifies the return material authorization line.
InventoryTransactionPEOSecondaryTransactionQuantity Quantity in the secondary transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOSecondaryUomCode Secondary unit of measure that may have been used to do the material transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOShipFromLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the ship from location for the transaction. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOShipToLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to location.
InventoryTransactionPEOShipmentCosted Value that indicates if the shipment transaction has been processed by the cost worker.
InventoryTransactionPEOShipmentNumber Number that identifies the in transit shipment.
InventoryTransactionPEOShortageProcessCode Code that identifies the whether workflow notifications should be provided for this transaction if shortage exists.
InventoryTransactionPEOSoIssueAccountType Type of sales order issue account.
InventoryTransactionPEOSourceCode Code that identifies the outside transactions. The value for this attribute is provided by the user.
InventoryTransactionPEOSourceLineId Value that uniquely identifies the outside transactions. The value for this attribute is provided by the user.
InventoryTransactionPEOSubinventoryCode Code that identifies the subinventory.
InventoryTransactionPEOTaskGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the group for this task.
InventoryTransactionPEOTaskId Value that uniquely identifies the source task.
InventoryTransactionPEOTaxClassificationCode Code that identifies the tax classification. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOTaxInvoiceDate Date when the user prepared the fiscal document. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOTaxInvoiceNumber Number that identifies the fiscal document. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOThirdPtyRegId Value that uniquely identifies the third party tax registration for the transaction. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOToGradeCode Code that identifies the grade for lot items.
InventoryTransactionPEOToProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the destination project to which the material is transferred.
InventoryTransactionPEOToTaskId Value that uniquely identifies the destination task to which the material is transferred.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionActionId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction action.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionBatchId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction batch.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionBatchSeq Sequence number that identifies the transaction batch.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionCost Cost incurred for the transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionDate Date when the transaction occurred.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction group.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionInterfaceId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionMode Mode of processing the transaction. Valid values include 1, 2, and 3. 1 indicates online, 2 indicates immediate, and 3 indicates batch.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionQuantity Quantity entered at transaction time.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionReference Reference to the transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionSetId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction group.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionSourceId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction source.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionSourceName Name of the transaction source.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionSourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction source type name.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction type.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransactionUom Unit of measure for the transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferCost Cost incurred for the transfer.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferCostDistAccount Value that identifies the account for the transaction transfer cost distribution.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferCostGroupId Value that uniquely identifies the transfer cost group.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferLocatorId Value that uniquely identifies the transfer transaction corresponding to a locator.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferLpnId Value that uniquely identifies the transfer license plate number.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the organization where the material is transferred.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferOrganizationType Type of transfer organization. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type EGP_TP_TYPES.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferOwningTpType Type of transfer owning party associated with the consigned inventory. Valid values include 1 or 2. 1 indicates that the material transacted is consigned to supplier. 2 indicates that material is owned by the organization.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferPercentage Percent value of the attribute to transfer costs in an interorganization transfer.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferPlanningTpType Type of transfer planning trading partner.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferPrice Total transfer price without tax for a transfer order.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferPriorCostedQuantity Transfer quantity costed before this transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferSubinventory Subinventory where the material is transferred.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransferTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the transfer transaction. The value for this attribute is generated by the application.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransportationCost Cost incurred for the transportation.
InventoryTransactionPEOTransportationDistAccount Distribution account used for transfer transportation.
InventoryTransactionPEOTrxBusinessCategory Value that indicates transaction business category. This attribute is used to determine the tax.
InventoryTransactionPEOTrxFlowHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction flow that's being used for this transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOTrxSourceDeliveryId Value that uniquely identifies the delivery for sales orders.
InventoryTransactionPEOTrxSourceLineId Value that uniquely identifies the line level transaction source.
InventoryTransactionPEOUserDefinedFiscClass User defined fiscal classification code for the transaction.
InventoryTransactionPEOUssglTransactionCode Code that identifies the transaction. This is the USSGL code.
InventoryTransactionPEOValueChange Value change used for average cost update.
InventoryTransactionPEOVarianceAmount Variance amount used for average cost update transactions.
InventoryTransactionPEOVendorLotNumber Number that identifies the supplier lot.
InventoryTransactionPEOWaybillAirbill Number that identifies the waybill or airbill.
InventoryTransactionPEOWipSupplyType Type of supply assigned to a component on a work order.
InventoryTransactionPEOXfrOwningOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the organization owning the transfer.
InventoryTransactionPEOXfrPlanningOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the destination organization of an interorganization transfer.