Inventory Movement Request Lines

The Inventory Movement Request Lines view object contains all suggestions created for put-away, picking, and replenishment of inventory items.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.MovementRequestLineExtractPVO

Primary Keys : MRLinePEOLineId

Initial Extract Date : MRLinePEOCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : MRLinePEOLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
MRLinePEOAssignmentId Value that uniquely identifies the assignment for the movement request line.
MRLinePEOAttribute1 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute10 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute11 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute12 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute13 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute14 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute15 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute16 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute17 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute18 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute19 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute2 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute20 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute3 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute4 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute5 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute6 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute7 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute8 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttribute9 Segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeCategory Context name for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeDate1 Date segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeDate2 Date segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeDate3 Date segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeDate4 Date segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeDate5 Date segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeNumber1 Number segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeNumber10 Number segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeNumber2 Number segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeNumber3 Number segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeNumber4 Number segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeNumber5 Number segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeNumber6 Number segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeNumber7 Number segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeNumber8 Number segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeNumber9 Number segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeTimestamp1 Date and time segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeTimestamp2 Date and time segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeTimestamp3 Date and time segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeTimestamp4 Date and time segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOAttributeTimestamp5 Date and time segment for the Movement Request Line descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOBackorderDeliveryDetailId Value that uniquely identifies the delivery detail for the backorder lines.
MRLinePEOCountryOfOriginCode Code that identifies the country of origin associated with the movement request line.
MRLinePEOCreatedBy User who created the movement request line.
MRLinePEOCreationDate Date and time when the user created the movement request line.
MRLinePEODateRequired Date when the movement request line is required.
MRLinePEOFromLocatorId Value that uniquely identifies the source stock locator.
MRLinePEOFromSubinventoryCode Code that identifies the source subinventory.
MRLinePEOFromSubinventoryId Value that uniquely identifies the source subinventory.
MRLinePEOGradeCode Code that identifies the grade of the item.
MRLinePEOHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the movement request header.
MRLinePEOInspectionStatus Status after inspection of the movement request line.
MRLinePEOInvReservedAttribute1 Reserved for future inventory striping related functionality.
MRLinePEOInvReservedAttribute2 Reserved for future inventory striping related functionality.
MRLinePEOInvStripingCategory Context name for inventory striping attributes.
MRLinePEOInvUserDefAttribute1 Reserved for user-definable inventory striping information.
MRLinePEOInvUserDefAttribute10 Reserved for user-definable inventory striping information.
MRLinePEOInvUserDefAttribute2 Reserved for user-definable inventory striping information.
MRLinePEOInvUserDefAttribute3 Reserved for user-definable inventory striping information.
MRLinePEOInvUserDefAttribute4 Reserved for user-definable inventory striping information.
MRLinePEOInvUserDefAttribute5 Reserved for user-definable inventory striping information.
MRLinePEOInvUserDefAttribute6 Reserved for user-definable inventory striping information.
MRLinePEOInvUserDefAttribute7 Reserved for user-definable inventory striping information.
MRLinePEOInvUserDefAttribute8 Reserved for user-definable inventory striping information.
MRLinePEOInvUserDefAttribute9 Reserved for user-definable inventory striping information.
MRLinePEOInventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
MRLinePEOJOBDEFINITIONNAME Name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the movement request line.
MRLinePEOJOBDEFINITIONPACKAGE Package name of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the movement request line.
MRLinePEOLastUpdateDate Date and time when the user most recently updated the movement request line.
MRLinePEOLastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who most recently updated the movement request line.
MRLinePEOLastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the movement request line.
MRLinePEOLineId Value that uniquely identifies the movement request line.
MRLinePEOLineNumber Number that identifies the line in the movement request document.
MRLinePEOLineStatus Code that identifies the state or condition of the movement request line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type INV_TXN_REQUEST_STATUS.
MRLinePEOLotNumber Number that identifies the original lot.
MRLinePEOLpnId Value that uniquely identifies the license plate number. This attribute is used by only by the warehouse management system.
MRLinePEOModelQuantity Quantity of the top model for ship model complete items.
MRLinePEOObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
MRLinePEOOperationSeqNum Number that identifies the operation sequence that the work order is at when the movement request is generated.
MRLinePEOOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization for the movement request line.
MRLinePEOPickMethodologyId Value that uniquely identifies the pick methodology.
MRLinePEOPickSlipDate Date when the movement request pick slip report is generated.
MRLinePEOPickSlipNumber Number that identifies the document that contains information about the items to be manufactured or shipped.
MRLinePEOPjcBillableFlag Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcCapitalizableFlag Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcContextCategory Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcContractId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcContractLineId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcExpenditureItemDate Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcExpenditureOrgId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcExpenditureTypeId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcFundingAllocationId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcOrganizationId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcProjectId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcReservedAttribute1 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcReservedAttribute10 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcReservedAttribute2 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcReservedAttribute3 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcReservedAttribute4 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcReservedAttribute5 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcReservedAttribute6 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcReservedAttribute7 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcReservedAttribute8 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcReservedAttribute9 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcTaskId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcUserDefAttribute1 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcUserDefAttribute10 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcUserDefAttribute2 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcUserDefAttribute3 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcUserDefAttribute4 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcUserDefAttribute5 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcUserDefAttribute6 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcUserDefAttribute7 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcUserDefAttribute8 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcUserDefAttribute9 Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPjcWorkTypeId Segment for the Project Costing Details descriptive flexfield.
MRLinePEOPrimaryQuantity Movement request quantity in terms of primary unit of measure of the item.
MRLinePEOProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the project for the movement request line.
MRLinePEOQuantity Movement request quantity in terms of unit of measure of the transaction for the item.
MRLinePEOQuantityDelivered Quantity delivered for the item.
MRLinePEOQuantityDetailed Quantity which has released for the movement request line.
MRLinePEOReasonId Value that uniquely identifies the movement request line reason.
MRLinePEOReferenceDetailId Value that uniquely identifies the reference to the source of the movement request line, for example, work order number.
MRLinePEOReferenceId Value that uniquely identifies the reference to the source of the movement request line, for example, work order identifier.
MRLinePEOReferenceName Reference name of the movement request line creator.
MRLinePEOReferenceTypeCode Code that identifies the type of movement request creator.
MRLinePEORequestId Value that uniquely identifies the entity that defines the movement request line.
MRLinePEORequesterId Value that uniquely identifies the requester of the movement request line.
MRLinePEORequiredQuantity Movement request quantity requested for the item.
MRLinePEORevision Revision of the item, if the item is under revision control.
MRLinePEOSecondaryQuantity Movement request quantity in terms of secondary unit of measure of the item.
MRLinePEOSecondaryQuantityDelivered Quantity delivered for the item in the secondary unit of measure.
MRLinePEOSecondaryQuantityDetailed Quantity released for the item in the secondary unit of measure.
MRLinePEOSecondaryRequiredQuantity Quantity requested for the item in the secondary unit of measure.
MRLinePEOSecondaryUomCode Code that identifies the secondary unit of measure that may have been used to do the material transaction.
MRLinePEOSerialNumberEnd Number that identifies the ending serial in a range of serial numbers.
MRLinePEOSerialNumberStart Number that identifies the starting serial in a range of serial numbers.
MRLinePEOShipModelId Value that uniquely identifies the ship model.
MRLinePEOShipSetId Value that uniquely identifies the ship set.
MRLinePEOShipSetName Name of the shipment set that contains the shipment line among the group of movement request lines within a movement request that need to ship together from their common origin to a common destination and have the same required date.
MRLinePEOShipToLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the destination location.
MRLinePEOStatusDate Date when the status of the movement request changed.
MRLinePEOTaskId Value that uniquely identifies the task.
MRLinePEOToAccountId Value that uniquely identifies the financial account used to post depreciation expenses.
MRLinePEOToLocatorId Value that uniquely identifies the destination stock locator.
MRLinePEOToOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the destination organization.
MRLinePEOToSubinventoryCode Code that identifies the destination subinventory.
MRLinePEOToSubinventoryId Value that uniquely identifies the destination subinventory.
MRLinePEOTransactionHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory transaction.
MRLinePEOTransactionSourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction source type name.
MRLinePEOTransactionTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction type.
MRLinePEOTxnSourceId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction source.
MRLinePEOTxnSourceLineDetailId Value that uniquely identifies the line detail level transaction source.
MRLinePEOTxnSourceLineId Value that uniquely identifies the line level transaction source.
MRLinePEOUomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure of the transaction.
MRLinePEOWipEntityId Value that uniquely Identifies the work in process entity.
MRLinePEOWipSupplyType Type of supply assigned to a component on a work order.