Global temporary table used in the cost preprocessor. It holds the quantity information (distribution quantity, net delivered quantity, invoiced quantity) for PO distributions that have match to PO invoices


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CST

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
CMR_PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Single column FK: identifies entity in Receipt accounting PO Distributions. This value will exist for match to PO as well as match to Receipt cases.
NET_DELIVERED_QTY NUMBER The net delivered quantity (including all the quantity adjustments and returns) against this PO distribution. The quantity is in the primary UOM of the item.
SOURCE_DOC_NET_DEL_QTY NUMBER The net delivered quantity (including all the quantity adjustments and returns) against this PO distribution. The quantity is in the Purchase Order unit of measure.
NET_INVOICED_QTY NUMBER The total invoiced quantity against this PO distribution and receipt combination in the Purchase Order UOM.
PO_DISTRIBUTION_QTY NUMBER The net ordered quantity of this PO distribution.
SECONDARY_NET_DEL_QTY NUMBER The net delivered quantity (including all the quantity adjustments and returns) against this PO distribution. The quantity is in the item secondary unit of measure.
TOTAL_INVOICED_QTY NUMBER The total invoiced quantity against this PO distribution and receipt combination. The quantity is in the primary UOM of the item.
PRIMARY_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Primary unit of measure of the item.
SECONDARY_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Secondary unit of measure of the item.
PO_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Purchase order pricing unit of measure.