Global temporary table used in the trade event acquisition cost processor. It holds the quantity information (schedule quantity, net trade receipt quantity, invoiced quantity) for PO schedules that have matched invoices.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CST

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
CMR_PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Po line location identifier in receipt accounting.
NET_TRADE_RECEIPT_QTY NUMBER The net trade instransit receipt quantity (including the instransit returns) against this PO schedule. The quantity is in the primary UOM of the item.
NET_PO_SCHEDULE_ORDERED_QTY NUMBER The net ordered quantity (ordered quantity - canceled quantity) of this PO schedule. The quantity is in the primary UOM of the item.
NET_INVOICED_QTY NUMBER The net invoiced quantity against this PO Schedule. The quantity is in the primary UOM of the item.
MATCH_OPTION VARCHAR2 1 Indicates the match option of the PO schedule. Valid values are 'P' - PO Match and 'R' - Receipt Match.
INVOICE_QTY NUMBER Quantity being invoiced in unit of measure code.
TRADE_RECEIPT_QTY NUMBER The net trade instransit receipt quantity (including the instransit returns) against this PO schedule. The quantity is in the source doc uom.
PRIMARY_NET_DEL_QTY NUMBER Indicates the net delivered quantity in primary UOM.
SECONDARY_NET_DEL_QTY NUMBER Indicates the net delivered quantity in secondary UOM.
PROCESS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates if PO schedule is accrual cleared or not when net quantity is zero.


Index Uniqueness Columns